Going Fishing?

Published 3:59 pm Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If you were going fishing, you’d want to go where the fish were biting, right? Makes sense. You’d probably ask around to see where was a good spot to fish, what sort of bait was having success, seek out other information to try to make your fishing trip productive. So why not do the same thing about where to invest your precious marketing dollars? Lots of mediums have glowing platitudes they’ll tell you about themselves and how what they’re selling offers the promise of great benefits. But The Daily Iberian can offer you not just platitudes but information from local consumers themselves, who have shared in a recent survey their plans to buy all sorts of different products or use all sorts of different services. We can tell you how many local newspaper  reader are planning to use the goods or services you sell in coming months, giving you a real handle on what the potential is for sales by your business among people who are readers of our newspapers. That’s useful, hard data that can help you land some big fish, meaning new customers and more business for you. Call our advertising department at 321-6773 to have us show you what locals how much they plan to buy from companies like yours in the next few months. There is no cost or obligation.

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