Targeting wrongs at Bunk park
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Responding quickly to complaints, city officials and residents are launching a new attack on blight and lawbreakers at Bunk Johnson Park and along Hopkins Street.
Bunk Johnson Park, named after such a deserving jazz musician who helped put this city on the map musically, has been the site for drug dealing, urinating in public, broken tables, public consumption of alcohol and an overall state of disrepair. That was the report from New Iberia City Councilwoman Peggy Gerac, who said it’s a challenge to bring something new to the community because the city must replace old and broken items so often.
Michael Bell, a 60-year-old West End resident, said he blames the liquor stores and daiquiri stands in the neighborhood. People loiter outside in those locales, he said, instead of consuming their drinks in bars, clubs or restaurants there.
It’s a good thing another attempt will be made to right the wrongs in the community. People who are busting up the property and otherwise breaking the law must be held accountable, as well. It would help if their actions are reportedly immediately to deputies.
New Iberia Mayor Hilda Curry said two ordinances probably will be introduced within a month to target the persistent problem. One is to change park hours from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., closing them three hours earlier than usual.
Also, a moratorium would be placed on businesses that sell alcohol. While current stands will be grandfathered in, new establishments would have to apply for an extension.
Also, Jane Braud, Planning and Zoning director for the city, will send letters to private businesses to post “No Loitering” signs on their property. When posted, the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office can enforce loitering laws, Curry said.
Interaction between residents and law enforcement officers is crucial to the overall plan, Bell said.
He’s right. These ideas, plus planned neighborhood watch groups to keep an eye on the area and report problems immediately, could help clean up West End.