Community effort
Published 5:00 am Sunday, October 15, 2017
Everyone benefits when working together
Volunteerism is the force behind much of the Teche Area social lifestyle that attracts residents, new families, tourists and businesses to New Iberia. This week is just one example of cooperation between entities responsible for the cultural and civic pleasures of living in the Berry.
Yes, you’ll see the Berry Queens at events this weekend and next, but they are not today’s focus. Today is about the unsung heros, the behind-the-scene workers who make the community more enjoyable.
If you’ve driven down Main Street this week you may have noticed the transformation from the normal beautiful downtown to balconies draped with colorful bunting. It would appear the festival colors are for the World Championship Gumbo Cookoff taking place today, following yesterday’s feast of anything but gumbo.
Blending Events
Permission was asked and granted by the city of New Iberia and Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce for the decorating crew of the Iberia Preservation Alliance to prepare in advance for next week’s Beneath the Balconies, the eighth annual outdoor performance event featuring singers, dancers and drama from local stage and high school productions.
Ginger Comeaux and Maureen Smith are cochairs for the committee but even though Smith is a retired interior decorator, she credits Comeaux with both the energy and vision for the balconies. As a retired school teacher, Comeaux appears to have been a powerhouse for her students.
Comeaux said they purposely wanted to decorate before the cookoff because it draws so many people from outside the Teche Area. The draping is a great way to advertise the free event to follow the gumbo weekend.
“We just wanted to support this great affair in downtown New Iberia,” Comeaux said. “Cathy Indest asked me and I took it on. We did seven balconies downtown and next week we have to decorate the Steamboat Warehouse. It’s a pleasure to give back to the community in this way.”
The leadership team and volunteers are not just on board for the 2017 event, but have made a commitment to help in future years, with a little help from their friends — and anyone else who wants to join them. Suzanne Babineaux, Jenny Comeaux, Donna Dauterive, Renee Donaldson, Terri Lancon, Bobette Landry, Sheila Molbert, Nancy Patout, Melanie Roussel and Ellen Thomas have assisted with the beautification process this year.
“We love Beneath the Balconies and the two of us looked forward to the challenge of dressing up Main Street this year,” Smith said.
Something More
A work schedule spread the effort out over several days, one more to come next week to bring in the stage adornments to the Steamboat Warehouse where the finale will take place.
“It’s really an army of retired people, except for one,” Smith said.
The draping, tying and pinning hundreds of yards of fabric is just a beginning. Comeaux said they could do a lot more with more funds to work with. To that end, two members have taken on the challenge of applying for grant money to be used for props in coming years.
“I’m hoping these gals stay with us until we’re too old to do it,” Comeaux said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun. Each balcony is decorated to accompany the theme of the performance at the balcony.”
As in years past, the Bunk Johnson Brazz Band will lead the audience down the street with musical interludes.