20 UNDER 40 — Maddox Miller

Published 5:15 pm Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Maddox Miller has found a way to merge his love of agriculture, working with kids and teaching into one career, and he’s loving every second of it.

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The 28-year-old Iberia Parish native is employed as a 4-H agent with the LSU AgCenter Iberia Parish Extension Office, helping to coordinate the litany of programs that are put on yearly for local youth in Iberia Parish.

One of the biggest ironies for Miller, however, was that he was never in 4-H himself when he was a student in Iberia. 

“That was one of the first questions I was asked when I applied, ‘Were you a past 4-H member?’” Miller said. “I went to Dodson and they did have 4-H but I never actually got into it. I didn’t know a lot about it but I know it was something I would have enjoyed because there are so many opportunities with the program.”

Despite the missed opportunity, Miller still developed a love for agriculture that stemmed from working at Stokes Tropical in Jeanerette during his summers as a teenager. 

“I always enjoyed working outside, being outside and working plants,” he said. “My stepdad was a landscaper and I enjoyed going to the nurseries. My first real job was at Stokes Tropical in Jeanerette when I was 15.” 

After graduating from New Iberia Senior High in 2008 as co-valedictorian, Miller attended LSU and received a bachelor of science in agriculture in 2012. 

After that, he attended Mississippi State University, where he studied for and received a master of science in agriculture in 2016. During his time in Mississippi, a professor suggested Miller become an extension agent.

“I was thinking horticulture and I applied for a couple of positions, didn’t get them and then kept looking for extension jobs while substitute teaching in Iberia to stay busy,” Miller said. 

When a job opening popped up as a 4-H extension agent in Iberia Parish, Miller decided to apply. Since taking the job, Miller said working for 4-H has merged his love agriculture with his love for working with kids he got while working as a soccer coach and substitute teaching.

“It merged my enjoyment with kids and agriculture and enjoyment with science and the teaching component, it all kind of fell together,” Miller said.

Miller said he enjoys having a first-hand impact by working with local 4th through 12th graders at all public and private schools in Iberia Parish. Iberia Parish 4-H has approximately 33 clubs. 

As a 4-H agent, Miller conducts monthly club meetings at each school and interacts with 4-H members. 

This year, Miller said he enjoyed incorporating hands-on science lessons to educate and hopefully inspire the next generation of scientists.

“It worked out really well, you have a plan in mind and sometimes that plan gets changed mid-course but it actually worked out a little better,” Miller said. “I’m happy where I am. I enjoy working with the 4-H members it’s a great program, Iberia Parish has a great community and I’m excited to be here.” 

“I always enjoyed working outside, being outside and working plants. My stepdad was a landscaper and I enjoyed going to the nurseries.”                   

— Maddox Miller