Bible reading marathon continues at Holy Word Catholic Church

Published 6:30 am Friday, February 28, 2020

O P E L O U S A S — Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Opelousas and Fête-Dieu du Teche will host the annual Bible Marathon in front of Holy Ghost Catholic Church, 747 N. Union St. in Opelousas, according to a prepared statement.

The public Bible reading began on Ash Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. and concludes Sunday at 4:30 pm.

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The unique 5-day event is intended to celebrate the tricentennial of Opelousas and the centennial of Holy Ghost Church and the role faith has played in Acadian history and culture.

Retired Bishop Michael Jarrell, a native of Opelousas, kicked-off the event during the noon hour on Wednesday, and has participated before in the Bible Marathon.

“I extend congratulations to all at Holy Ghost Catholic Church on the occasion of the centennial of the church and to everyone in Opelousas for 300 years of existence,” Jarrell said in the statement. “May God continue His providential care for years to come.”

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said for over 300 years the Acadians and Creoles have forged a life here in Louisiana.

“The foundation of which is their faith in God, dedication to their family, and their love for the land,” Landry said. “Throughout the Bible, story after story, chapter after chapter, we hear about God’s people falling and God lifting them back up.”

Many Opelousas natives will be participating during the 100-hour Bible Marathon.

All are invited to bring your Bible and join in the marathon by gathering around the stage and listening to God’s holy word.

Keith Hebert, a resident of Opelousas, has participated in the Bible Marathon a number of times in St. Martinville.

He said he is blessed by the experience.

“I just know that anyone that participates in the Bible Jubilee in Opelousas will also be blessed and will enjoy the experience,” Hebert said.

During the five days of continuous reading, 300 lectors from the various church parishes in the Diocese of Lafayette as well as faith leaders from other denominations from across Acadiana will be employed.

The Bible Marathon will help to accentuate the rich cultural heritage of the region by including various nationalities and languages represented in the region.

In addition to English, selections of the Bible will be read in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Latin and Greek.

The event is intended to help “prime the pump” and reignite a love for the Word of God and its practice in life.

“People everywhere love to exercise. It’s important to stay in physical shape, which is why many participate in programs such as CrossFit and compete in Iron Man races, triathlons, and marathons. And we wanted to provide a way for people to spiritually exercise,” said the Rev. Michael Champagne of the Community of Jesus Crucified, one of the organizers of the event. “We, as Christians, and all men and women of goodwill, need to shake the dust off our Bibles and begin to ponder God’s plan for our lives.”

During the Bible Marathon priests will be available for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation by means of the Spiritual Care Unit (SCU – Mobile Confessional). Catholics who are properly disposed can obtain a plenary indulgence by reading or listening for 30 minutes from the Holy Bible in the Square during the event.

“In these chaotic times we often get confused about how we are to act in our personal lives, in our families, at work, and in our dealings with others. God’s pre-eminent way of speaking to us is through the Sacred Scriptures. Every page of the Bible recounts God’s burning and fatherly love for us, and the Bible Marathon is a reminder of that love,” Champagne said.

Vicki Richard read last year and sees it as an amazing experience to read God’s word and to see all the people coming out to hear spread his message.

“True evangelization, which is what God has called us to do,” Richard said.

“Those who attended the Bible Marathon inspired me to grow deeper in my faith,” said Br. Damien Daigle.

Lisa Schmidt, a resident of St. Landry Parish, said reading the Bible again just reminds her how important and rejuvenating it is to read always.

Scripture is eternal like God because it is alive,” Schmidt said.

For more information, visit the website of the Community of Jesus Crucified or contact Champagne at 394-6550, or email at