Meyers looking to bring leadership to New Iberia City Council

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Q: Please give a brief description of your professional background and volunteer experience.

A brief description of my background and areas that I have volunteered are having worked as a substitute teacher with the Iberia Parish School System. I have assisted in the operation of a family-owned business in the entertainment industry for years past and I have also assisted in the beauty shop/barber profession. Also in the past I have worked for a construction company as well as a security company. The areas that I have volunteered are visiting the sick and shut-in at nursing homes and hospitals regularly, that is until the pandemic hit the area.

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Before the pandemic I would go to the nursing homes and visit with friends and family, bringing sweet treats, love, joy and information about some of the client’s/person’s family members’ well-being. A simple visit brings joy to the clients and it also lifts their spirits. I have also volunteered at Anderson Middle School here in New Iberia, serving as a chaperone with the AMS band on out of town parades. I am also currently on the AMS list of persons/volunteers to call when needed.

Q: Why did you decide to run for City Council?

A: The reason I’m running for office is that I will bring leadership to the council with experience in working with past councils and mayors. The New Iberia City Council is our corporation of board members and should conduct themselves as such, especially when dealing with corporations like Cleco, Cox and LAWCO or any corporation that we might or might not have franchise agreements with. Our job as city councilmen or women is to serve the citizens of New Iberia and protect our citizens from our charging and price gouging by these corporations with excessive fees and surcharges. Look at your service and utility bills. That high utility cost of Cleco and Cox affects your senior citizens and citizens on fixed income in District 2.

Q: What will be your focus as a City Council member?

A: As a city council member for the next term my focus will be to bring Cleco and Cox before the city council to negotiate a reduction in the cost of their services and the elimination of excessive surcharges and fees on their billing. I would also like to focus on repairing streets and roads in District 2, for example Lasalle Street between Washington Street and St. Peter Street. That block of street is in deplorable condition and warrants immediate attention. Other streets like Fulton Street, the section of Fulton Street that passes through St. Matthew Cemetery needs to be overlayed and have sidewalks added on both sides of the street.

Q: Where would you like to see the city improved and how would you do that?

A: As I just mentioned, our roads and streets are in need of major improvements. Also we need improvements with our city drainage system. We in District 2 still have major drainage problems in the area of St. Edward Subdivision apartment complex and the surrounding areas.

To address the situation with our streets and roads, the city council and mayor need to focus on the 1961 tax for “roads and streets, police and parks and recreation.”

Take that tax money and divide it equally on a yearly basis, dedicating the ⅓ for roads to be used only for roads.

That action would be guaranteed a build-up of funds to be used for road repairs. In fact, that same ⅓ principle can be applied to Parks and Recreation. We as a council can use these funds to rebuild our swimming pool in the West End Park. We can also apply for grants for recreation that seems to be readily available. Combine the grand money with the dedicated tax and I’m sure we can accumulate enough funds to rebuild the swimming pool and more.

Q: Where do you see the city moving forward and how would you like to add to that?

A: I personally see the city is trying to move forward with crime prevention. I think the police department should increase patrol in high crime areas, particularly in District 2 and District 5.

I also think it would be wise for the city to invest in traffic cameras. Those cameras can be of great value in monitoring those specific areas 24/7.

The cameras may also serve as a deterrent to criminal acts or even bear witness to said criminal acts. Another step we as a city can take is give more attention to citizens calling in misdemeanor situations. Police should come out, investigate and charge when necessary, just as they would charge a person committing a felony crime. That act by police can help de-escalate future crimes from being committed in that neighborhood community. The city as a whole can also move forward with annexation. Annexation is a way to grow the city and increase the city’s tax base at the same time. My name is Benjamin T. Meyers. My number on your ballot is #94. I humbly ask for your vote this coming election. Early voting is Oct. 16-27. Election day is Nov. 3. May God bless and keep us all.