Titus would like to see new & innovative funding, technical advancements

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 11, 2020

Please give a brief description of your professional background and volunteer experience.

I am a small businessman, presently operating Titus Consulting Company providing consulting services to restaurants (15 years in New Iberia). Previously, I was employed by CLECO for 18 years as a senior power plant mechanic in Baldwin; as an engineering supervisor for Cypress Bayou Casino; and as the acting Superintendent/ HVAC/ Electrical Supervisor for the New Iberia Research Center (NIRC-ULL). In my volunteer experience, I served as a board member and president of the Boys and Girls Club of St. Mary Parish. I was a member of the St. Mary Chamber of Commerce and troop leader for the Girl Scouts of America in West St. Mary Parish.

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Why did you decide to run for City Council?

I decided to run for City Council because in my opinion, I can bring some unique ideas to the city government to expand the city’s ability to bring funds into this city. I would like a review of the city’s water rates, electrical rates, more income streams and grants to repair the streets in this city. It should not be one or the other. We the people should not have to choose between public safety or the streets, we should have both.

What will be your focus as a city council member for the next term?

My focus in the coming term will be to bring something back to the people and businesses of New Iberia. Lower water and electrical rates, repaired streets, more street lights, more speed bumps (especially near parks and schools) and a special police squad that only patrols for speeders. Improvements like the ones I just mentioned will result in more people and businesses staying and new ones will want to relocate to our city. Tax revenues will increase and more money will be available to fund more projects for the people of New Iberia.

Where would you like to see the city improved and how would you do that?

As a city councilman, I would like to see the whole city benefit from improvements. It has been my observation that most of the improvements have been centered around Main Street. I would be in favor of doing major improvements “Back-a-Town” for a change.

Everyone needs to benefit. I will be a councilman from District 4 but I will vote on all city business brought before the council. I would like to review the city charter and recommend changes to several areas, including lessening and eliminating excessive restrictions and also challenge the constitutionality of other parts of the charter.

Where do you see the city moving forward and how would you like to add to that?

I see the city moving forward in finding new and innovative funding sources and technical advancement (IT) to develop tourism, repair and overlay streets and improve city services to people and businesses in the city. I would like to see a better rapport established between parish, state and federal governments to improve our chances of obtaining more funding. I want to be a part of the team that moves this city forward into the 21st century.