Students to receive report cards as transition begins

Published 6:00 am Friday, November 6, 2020

Iberia Parish School District students will soon be receiving their report cards as hybrid students in middle and high schools begin the transition back to five day a week schooling.

Superintendent of Schools Carey Laviolette said at Wednesday’s school board meeting that portions of hybrid students were set to receive their report cards on Nov. 12, but a survey with local principals changed the date to Nov. 16 so all students receive them the same day.

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The problem will hopefully be one of the last times the district has to deal with hybrid schooling as the district begins to move away from hybrid schooling as COVID-19 numbers parishwide have remained relatively stable.

The hybrid schooling method was the IPSD’s solution to coronavirus plaguing Iberia Parish in the first part of the school year. Instead of a normal schooling system where all students showed up for class five days a week, the hybrid system split the middle and high school populations into two groups, with one group attending class on certain parts of the week and the other half attending on alternate days. When a group was not in a physical school, they were completing their work online.

The district announced at the end of October that the shift to bring students back five days per week would begin on Nov. 16.

“They’re (principals) going to be sending out a robotext to parents,” Laviolette said about the report card shift.