New experiences continue for former JAG officer, assistant DA

Published 8:00 am Friday, January 15, 2021

It’s a pretty safe bet that when you say “He’s seen it all” to describe Dracos Burke’s life, you aren’t using a cliché. It’s just a statement of fact.

Burke retired as a colonel after a 30-year career in the U.S. Air Force, where he finished as a staff judge advocate for the Strategic Air Command. He then served for 18 years as an assistant district attorney in the 16th Judicial District Court.

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One of the cases he tried as a prosecutor was the first-degree murder trial of Elmo Patrick Sonnier, earning Burke an appearance in Sister Helen Prejeans’ book, “Dead Man Walking.”

And, even at 101, he is still adding experiences. On Thursday, he received the first part of the two-stage Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, joining 170,389 other Louisianians who have had the first shot.

The state does not track vaccinations by parish, so it is hard to gauge how many people in the Teche Area have been vaccinated so far. But there have been 30,988 people statewide who have completed both courses of the vaccination.

Burke received his shot at the Walgreens Pharmacy on St. Peter Street, at the corner of Landry Road. It is one of the four locations the state lists as sites for vaccinations in Iberia Parish.

Although not listed on the state’s website, Iberia Medical Center is also offering vaccinations for those people over 70 years of age. The hospital is even reaching out to its patients who were at the hospital at some point during 2020 and who are over 70 years old to see if they are interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

“This will be a large and complex undertaking, but we are committed to doing our part, along with area pharmacies and other medical partners, to vaccinate our community in accordance with CDC guidelines,” said IMC Chief Executive Officer Dionne Viator. “The vaccine is the next step in overcoming COVID-19.”

Additionally, the hospital is asking Iberia Parish residents 70 years and older interested in being placed on the hospital’s waiting list for a vaccination to email their name, date of birth, address, phone number and family medicine physician to

Both IMC and Franklin Foundation Hospital are offering those Tier 1 residents the opportunity to receive a vaccination. Both hospitals have already vaccinated staff members.

Currently, the state is in Phase 1B, Tier 1 of its vaccine implementation plan. What that means in plain English is that right now those residents over 70 years of age or who work in a first-line, patient-contact-required healthcare field can receive vaccinations.

Some parishes are making vaccinations available to other groups, like educators and first responders, but that is not directed at the state level.

The next stage, Phase 1B, Tier 2, will open up vaccinations to other health care workers, first responders and essential workers. That phase will be announced when the state finds that it is only filling 80 percent of its appointments for those Tier 1 patients seeking vaccinations.

According to the Louisiana Department of Health, everybody else should see vaccinations made available in late spring or early summer.

For now, Burke just has to wait 28 days until he can get the second part of his vaccination.

For everyone else, there is a list of providers where those who qualify under Phase 1B Tier 1 can receive a vaccination in the Teche Area. That list will be updated regularly online at

Phase 1B, Tier 1 — Eligible for vaccination now:

• Persons ages 70 years or older in the community,

• Outpatient clinic providers and clinic staff,

• Urgent care clinic providers and staff,

• Community care clinic providers and staff,

• Behavioral health providers and staff,

• Dialysis providers and recipients,

• Home health service providers and recipients,

• Dental providers and staff, and

• Students, residents, faculty and staff of allied health schools (if not already receiving vaccine or in a plan to receive from their respective schools).

Phase 1B, Tier 2 — LDH will make an announcement when the vaccine becomes available to these groups, in no particular order:

• Health-related support personnel (labs, mortuary, pharmacy)

• Essential governmental response personnel

• Judiciary personnel

• Department of Homeland Security personnel, National Guard (non-COVID deployed, federal

intelligence and security personnel, military personnel

• First responders not covered in Phase 1A

• Corrections officers and jailers

• Medical transportation services

• Homeless shelter and other congregate group home/center staff

• Higher education, K-12 and daycare personnel

• Food processing and agricultural workers

• Postal personnel

• Public transit workers

• Grocery store workers and other deemed frontline essential workers

Everybody else:

The vaccine is likely to become more widely available for the general population in late spring/summer 2021

Here are the COVID-19 vaccination stations in Iberia, St. Martin and St. Mary parishes as of Jan. 14, according to the Louisiana Department of Health:


Bon Ami Pharmacy

2825 Grand Point Highway 9

(337) 454-6536

Super 1 Pharmacy #646

924 Rees St.

(337) 332-6339


Teche Action Clinic Franklin

1115 Weber St.

(337) 828-2550

Franklin Foundation Hospital

1097 Northwest Boulevard

(337) 907-6585


Walgreens #10975

815 Brashear St.

Online registration only


Iberia Comprehensive Community Health Center

806 Jefferson Terrace

(337) 365-4945

L&M Pharmacy

1033 Andre St.

(337) 365-1411

Super 1 Pharmacy #621

639 S. Lewis St.

(337) 364-1368

Walgreens #17524

1150 W. St. Peter St.

Online registration only


Iberia Medical Center

Iberia Parish residents 70 years and older are being asked to email their name, date of birth, address, phone number and family medicine physician to in order to set up an appointment to receive a vaccination.