Decoding QR for PR
Published 9:49 am Sunday, February 20, 2022
In 2020 when a certain pandemic decided we’d all done enough touching for one lifetime – QR codes had a major comeback. Mostly because it doesn’t require a slathering of hand sanitizer afterwards, but also because of its convenience, the point & click means of transferring information from businesses to consumers has become a common practice.
And now we’re all like….
Even if we are ready for the drink menus to return to our tables, the point-and-tap ease of a QR code has become an expected part of the consumer experience.There are a multitude of ways your brand can take advantage of the QR social habit while it’s hot…and sanitary. And by the way, QR literally stands for “quick response.” We can all agree that a quick response to your message from your target audience is the ultimate advertising goal. Check out these common Qs on QRs.
How do I create a QR code?
We can handle that for you. You let us know where on your website you would like visitors to land and we’ll take care of the rest.
What do I do with it once I have it?
Use it in your marketing. Placing a QR code directly in your ads eliminates the need for excessive directions and clunky links like, (not a real link)
What’s an example of how to best use a QR code?
At The Daily Iberian we are currently in the voting phase of Best of the Teche, this is the perfect opportunity to have us create a QR code for your business and place it directly in your print and digital “Vote for Me” ads. We can also create promotional pieces to hand out to your clients.
Then of course if you’re really dedicated…
Disclaimer: We neither promote nor condone permanent QR codes. But we do promote creating an advertising campaign that will have a permanent impact for your business.
Are they hard to use?
Not at all. Try it yourself.
Open your camera and point it toward this QR code.
You’ll see this:
Now tap it and voila.
If you’re ready for a quick response, give me a call to find out how to incorporate QR codes into your marketing campaign.
Trust Me…I’m An Expert
We’re not one to call names, but we do have one for you…the expert. We are launching an exciting new marketing opportunity: The Expert Panel. This is your chance to identify yourself as the premiere authority in your industry.
Introducing the Experts
The Expert Panel is made up of local business owners in specific industries covering specific topics related to that industry. Each expert is the exclusive contributor for their industry. For example, if a real estate agent is participating in The Expert Panel, they will be the only real estate agent on the panel.
Each month experts will contribute valuable consumer content that will appear online and be archived with all of the expert’s content, images, video, blogs, articles, etc. We will promote The Expert panel in print, online, in social media and by video.
The Expert Panel Platinum Membership
- For $150 per week our Experts receive:
- 12 digital and print columns
- 180,000 annual online impressions
- Two annual video interviews
- Two annual video business tours
- Inclusion in all of our The Expert Panel Promotions
- A door sticker recognizing you and your business as an official member of The Expert Panel
- A listing of your business on the Expert Panel Google Map
It’s time to brand yourself as the expert in your field.
It’s not, just give me a call for more information on how you can participate or to learn about our silver and gold memberships.
From the Facebook Memories File
This is a #FBF to 2013, you know, when we still said #FBF #flashbackfriday. While most of my Facebook memories make me want to do something between cringe and leave the country and change my name, this week I stumbled across a blog post I wrote in 2013, “Going Viral on Social Media,” during my time at a local digital media agency.
Here’s a look at how much things have changed in the past eight years. I’ve attached a couple of excerpts from the original blog and noting everything that has changed in red with the breakdown below of how it has changed below.
Today, using Facebook is second nature. Your grandmother, your boss and your best friend from second grade, they are all on Facebook. They are sending you requests to play poker and sharing events of their daily lives, occasionally in vivid detail. You know who else is on Facebook? Customers current and potential. 8.11 percent of all Internet traffic originates from Facebook.
- I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty much first nature.
- 2021 Facebook users will never know the struggle of the Texas Hold’em and Farmville era.
- 8.11%…that’s cute. Today an estimated 71% of Internet users access Facebook regularly.
- Utilize postings techniques that create a reaction
- You have a limited amount of time to catch their attention. The point you are trying to convey should be in the first 90 characters.
- Asking questions in your posts can increase engagement up to 14 percent. These questions are known as thinkers and talkers. People enjoy talking about themselves on Facebook and this gives them the perfect opportunity.
- Images have high viral potential, but you should make sure you are using the right images. Maintain your online persona’s voice within the image. Only use high-quality pictures.
- Use images that require little to no explanation. The picture format that receives the most engagement across the board is a collage of images.
- 90 characters might as well be a novel. We have what I like to call “TikTok attention spans.” When marketing via social media you cannot rely on your text to convey your message. You should convey your point in the first glance.
- Videos are the new images.
- I apologize for every saying this…collage apps were all the rage. But multi-image/video content still leads engagement. Today that’s best executed through galleries and carousels.
I focused specifically on Facebook, but we all know that now that is only one of an endless array of social platforms. Interestingly enough not all of what I wrote is dated. Much of it remains the core of marketing, no matter the medium, like the following on voice, audience and messaging.
Selling on Facebook requires you to speak to your audience in a much different manner than you would speak to your personal Facebook friends. We’re going to run through some tactics to increase sales through Facebook.
- Identify your clients
- All of your Facebook activity should support your goal of turning fans into paying clients. This is why you have to speak to them directly. To do so you need to identify them. Pinpoint your target audience’s age, gender, interests, location and any other identifying characteristic that will help you speak to them.
- Develop an online identity
- If you have always wanted to create an alter ego, this is your chance! Based on your clients’ demographics, develop a strong voice that will interest and engage them.
- Use your new voice to gain trust
- With the use of engaging content you brand yourself as an authority in your field. Fans grow to trust you more and more with each post. And with trust comes purchases. Interesting and engaging posts increase your viral potential.
If your marketing is stuck in 2013, give me a call for a free consultation.
Ps. I can’t wait to stumble across this newsletter in eight years and scoff. In the meantime, I’ll keep up with the ever changing digital landscape so you don’t have to.