Preserve public notices in newspapers

Published 11:26 am Tuesday, November 8, 2022

In an article written in Harpers Weekly in 1913, Justice Louis Brandeis made the statement, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” And nothing shines a brighter light on government than newspapers.

There are some who would rather keep people in the dark, however, so newspapers must fight to be like the lamplighters of old.

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Public Notices are for everyone

There have been multiple efforts to take public notices out of newspapers and allow them to be placed on government websites. But according to Microsoft, about 32% or 2.4 million Arizona residents have no internet connection at home or elsewhere. Even if they did, it is unlikely they will search those sites on the off chance they will find a notice that affects them.

Public Notices make the news

It is far more probable that readers will come across pertinent notices in their newspaper, either in print or online, especially since many newspaper editors comb public notices for story leads, such as a notice about a bar that intends to open near a pre-school, a rezoning request to place a cemetery across the street from a residential area, a mining company seeking a permit to withdraw millions of gallons of water from the local aquifer, a unique new business coming to town, etc.

Guard the hen house

The government created public notice requirements to avoid the impression of back-room deals and shady biding. Printed public notices are unalterable and forever verifiable. Government should not be in the business of disseminating public notices. Many officials at all levels of government are averse to responding to even routine public records requests. If government is allowed to handle their own notices, get ready for hassles, delays and hefty “administrative fees” to research and print copies of an ad. Also, there have been too many political scandals during the past few years (think Bell, Calif. and Flint, Mich.) and there is no reason to trust that public officials can police themselves. Why make it easier for government to operate in the dark?

Transparency online

Having an independent watchdog be a part of the public notice process better protects the interests of citizens. Newspapers ensure notices are published correctly and according to legally required time tables, and then provide affidavits that prove publication. Newspaper or press associations around the country, including Arizona, provide free access to aggregated notices posted by their state’s newspapers. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent launching these sites and improving the technology for both archiving and searching notices. And best of all? It does not cost government one cent.

Attack on business and job creation

Politicians proclaim to support local small businesses and the creation of jobs in the private sector. However, if they took public notice advertising out of

newspapers, many direct and indirect jobs will be lost. Worse, the financial impact could cripple a local newspaper and a community could end up just one more news desert. Then, if government takes over this private sector business, they will have to increase their payrolls and expenses to do what newspapers already do so well.

Yes, there is a charge

These ads generate an important source of revenue for newspapers. But this valuable service is no government handout. Our public notice clerks do good work placing the ads for both government and the public. In most cases, the government rate is much lower than rates offered to other advertisers due to the volume they publish. Not only do we help keep the light shining on government with notices, newspapers help bind the community by covering local news, including prep sports, Little League and AYSO, human interest stories about our neighbors, civic events and so on. Who can put a price on that?

Keeping public notices in newspapers is part of a checks and balances system upon which we built our country. Let your state legislators, city councils and county boards know that appropriating public notices is a terrible idea.