Letter: The adoption community in Acadiana is strong and vibrant
Published 3:15 am Sunday, November 20, 2022
- national adoption month
In Acadiana, November is best known for football, crisp mornings, and deep fried turkeys. But in my family, the month of November has a deeper meaning. This month, we celebrate National Adoption Month.
Our adoptive family, along with many other adoptive families across the region, uses this month to tell our story and help better educate our community about the adoption process.
It starts with understanding that the word “adoption” is not a taboo word. It’s a journey that involves a lot of complicated and ever-changing emotions, but the more we talk about it in our schools, churches, and communities, the more we normalize the fact that families are created in many different ways.
Since adopting our child, my husband and I have become close to many adoptive families in our area and our kids have a built-in group of friends who share adoption in common. We have a very active online community of adoptive parents who participate in a local Facebook group, Adoption is Love Support Group – Acadiana, which has become a safe space where we share our stories, resources, and other information. Social media has been a tool to connect with other families with similar joys and struggles.
The adoption community in Acadiana is strong and vibrant. And it’s growing.
During National Adoption Month, my hope is that others will take the opportunity to research, ask questions, learn more about the process, or even join a group similar to ours. After all, adoption is love.
Jennifer Ayers
New iberia