Want to help the hard of hearing? Speak clearly

Published 4:20 pm Monday, March 13, 2023

The phrase, “Can you hear me now” was coined by a cell phone company several years ago. Myself, because of having hearing loss because of many

years of loud noises, my hearing is somewhat lacking.

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Hearing loss among those of many years of living is normal. People who speak too fast, very low, or not very clear is also normal.

I’ve had an audiologist say that only about 20 percent of people speak clearly and that’s where the problem comes in.

In public where you are sometimes conducting business, ordering food, etc., you sometimes have to ask others to repeat what they’re saying. After having to ask someone a couple of times to repeat, you would think they would get the message and speak a little louder and clearer. Only about 10 percent get that message.

People that don’t speak clearly should take a note from watching and listening to their TVs. In doing so, you won’t always understand what is being said by actors, but I bet you can hear and clearly understand what’s being said in the commercials.

The volume seems to go up for commercials. That is because they’re trying to sell you something and “You only pay for what you need.”

All I really need is for people to speak more clearly, and I wouldn’t have to pay for that!

The question is, will those that read this article hear my message?

Also, when speaking, remove your mask so that I can see what you are saying!

Ken May

New Iberia