Letter: What was Bud Light thinking?
Published 2:09 pm Monday, April 17, 2023
- Bud-Light-Pride-Bottle
Did Budweiser forget to teach Beer Drinkers 101 at their Bud the Chud University for new employees?
Or perhaps the V.P.’s weren’t required to attend since they surely had a handle on their customers likes and dislikes? After the Bud Light fiasco, some new procedures are sure to follow.
As a former part of the corporate world myself, I know the pressures that sales/marketing personnel face. It is basically this: Great job LAST year, what can you do for me NOW?
In no way is this to be an accepted excuse, it’s just how the corporate world works.
I see it in many industries; sports and entertainment for example. So she misjudged the public’s reaction to her strategy and did so in a really big way. If only she had taken Beer Drinkers 101.
I think the reality is this; America as a whole does not like a certain agenda being pushed upon it.
Real change comes slowly as more and more people adopt a different viewpoint. Move TOO fast and you can expect some pushback.
The market that beer drinkers occupy is one that doesn’t seem to enjoy fast attitudinal changes, but this is really just one aspect of what is going on.
I think the issue was brewing (pun) under the surface and just needed a spark to ignite.
Long story short, this is now a cat-out-of-the-bag issue and hopefully will result in a more realistic solution for a country which expects people to move forward without feeling that they are being shoved in some direction not of their choosing.
Richard Phillips
New Iberia