Local seminarians to be ordained

Published 9:25 am Sunday, May 14, 2023

Two seminarians and Iberia Parish natives are set to take the next steps in their priesthood journey in the coming weeks as an official entry into their clerical careers.

Loreauville native John Dugas will have a transitional diaconate ordination on May 20 at St. John Cathedral at 10 a.m.

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Dugas is a graduate of Loreauville High School and a philosophy graduate of St. Joseph Seminary College in St. Benedict. He is sponsored by St. Joseph Parish in Loreauville and has completed his third year of theology at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. He is the son of Joel and Fran Dugas.

The diaconate ordination is the first order in the sacrament of holy orders, and for those called to the priesthood it is the first order they receive.

All men on their way to the priesthood must first be ordained a deacon, which parks the transition to the presbyterate.

During his priesthood formation, Dugas briefly studied in Tyler, Texas, in order to discern the possibility of living in a religious community but ultimately settled into studying to become a diocesan priest for the Diocese of Lafayette.

“The way I see it, this is the Lord leading me to be the fulfillment of who I was always meant to be,” Dugas said last year when asked about his educational and spiritual journey. “I really look forward to stepping into that role of spiritual fatherhood.”

Reed Bellingham will be taking his final vows for priesthood on June 3 at St. John Cathedral. Bellingham will be making his vows along with David Furka and Michael Vidrine.

Bellingham is the son of Stephen and Lisa Reed Bellingham, and he is sponsored by Our Lady of Prompt Succor in Coteau.

The Coteau native is a Catholic High School alumnus, which was followed by studying at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Covington and Theological College in Washington, D.C. He has been finishing up his formation at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans for the past several years.

Last year, Bellingham said he has aspired to the priesthood since he was 3-years-old and was looking forward to taking his final vows and beginning his clerical career.

Both Ordination Masses will be livestreamed on the Diocese of Lafyaette’s Facebook and Youtube channels for those that cannot attend the ceremony.