A calling from God: Rev T.J. Andrus’ purpose it to serve
Published 4:15 am Friday, July 7, 2023
It was a calling from God over 10 years ago that led Rev T.J. Andrus to where he is today.
Growing up in Crowley, Rev. Andrus was always surrounded by faith, thanks in large part to his father, Clifford Andrus, who served as Decon for his baptist church New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Mermentau.
It was fairly early in Rev. Andrus’ life where he was shaped by the holy spirit, serving in ministry as a musician as early as 13 where he played the piano.
“That is what really introduced me into serving the Lord and church culture,” Rev. Andrus said.
It was 13 years later where Rev. Andrus began his next journey in life. At 26, he expected the call to preach the gospel at 26 years of age. Through his time in the church, he was able to meet people and broaden his horizon when it comes to spiritually and Christian life.
“But I felt the call of God to preach,” Rev. Andrus said.
Leading up to his now-calling, Rev. Andrus preached his first sermon in June of 2012 he had the urge to do more for God. With A desire to study the word of the Bible, his admiration for the pastors he met through his time as a musician in his ministry was a driving factor in his decision.
“I just felt the need to do more and have a service feel for the Kingdom of God,” Rev. Andrus said. “I remember it like it was yesterday.”
Rev. Andrus was driving his FedEx truck, working as a delivering driver. At the end of one of his shifts one day, he headed by to the warehouse, he felt something in his heart say that it’s time to start sharing the gospel.
“It was a warm feeling that came over my body and my heart and I heard that call,” Rev. Andrus said. “I went up to my pastor at that time and I told him that I felt that call to preach and at that moment he took me under his wings and gave me the opportunity to preach an initial message on the first Sunday of June in 2012.”
Now as these years later Rev. Andrus is still delivering. But this time, it’s the word of God.
Rev. Andrus has been preaching the gospel for 10 years and was called to his first church to pastor in January 2019 at Greater New Hope Baptist Church of Baldwin.
In April of this year, Rev. Andrus was asked and graciously accepted the position of interim pastor for Mount Calvary Baptist Church in New Iberia.
In June of this year, Mount Calvary Baptist Church in New Iberia officially welcomed/received their newly elected pastor, Rev. T. J. Andrus. His installation services were conducted by the Union 6th District Missionary Baptist Association and presided over by Moderator Carl F. Lewis
In his role at both Greater New Hope Baptist Church of Baldwin and Mount Calvary Baptist Church in New Iberia, Rev. T. J. Andrus will lead the churches in all spiritual matters, pertaining to God, pertaining to minister, assisting in prayer and learning and teaching the Bible.
“I am there to be their leader and their shepard in all spiritual matters and in spiritual faith,” Rev. T. J. Andrus said. “It’s all about leading the community and doing what you feel is the will of God instructed by scripture.”
Serving the people of New Iberia, Rev. T. J. Andrus, 35, sees how close the community is with each other.
“The people I get to pastor at Mount Calvary are really great people,” Rev. T. J. Andrus said. “With a great, rich heritage and tradition.”
Rev. T. J. Andrus is happily married to his wife of three years, Keyandra and is the father to a little girl, Mia.
For Rev. T. J. Andrus, who is driven by his faith, and someone whose life is shaped by his faith, the connection between himself and God, is one that is a slow walk holding on to the hand of God. It’s what he lives his life by, each and everyday, especially while pastoring at the Mount Calvary Baptist Church in New Iberia.
“Living a life trusting God,” he said. “Day by day, trusting on him, leaning on him and letting God direct you in all matters of life.”