Will history repeat itself?
Published 12:02 pm Thursday, August 31, 2023
An open letter to all the stupid people who chose to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches (actually that is not true!).
Please put your uncalled-for hatred aside, especially the one for ‘you know who’, long enough to join those in seeking to straighten out the really horrible realities the world is facing right now. Remember; ‘if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.’
Please consider this; there is only one President holding office (the POTUS) and he seems unable to shoulder the responsibilities these days. Harry Truman’s desk sign, “THE BUCK STOPS HERE”, still applies in 2023 … one must stop blaming every and anyone else. Perhaps 2+ years ago you were up to the job … perhaps 2+ years later the heavy weight of that job is too much for one suffering age-related decline?
The choice that you made for V.P. has also come to be questioned. When did ‘Didn’t he ramble (?) become replaced with ‘Don’t she cackle?’ She, who tore into you during the debates, is at it again in order to distance herself from you … ironic one might say?
And her job performance, her accomplishments, her laughter and her finger-pointing is not to be admired. Although not really funny, it is funny that only others saw this coming. Speaking of ‘funny’, which country is becoming the ‘laughing stock’, the not the most admired, the not as respected ‘world leader’ and a weaker country in the eyes of the world?
Folks, it is not too late to end this decline toward mediocrity. We now live in the INFORMATION AGE and one cannot ‘hide in the basement’ again, you have made your choices and things are going ‘South.’ Video footage (seeing is believing) cannot be altered by spin doctors ‘correcting’ our national records to say what was meant rather than what was actually said. And your ‘go between’ must start to answer the tough questions (not read canned scripts) or be replaced with someone who will. Does America really want those who mumble, stumble, fall and grin while scooting away from the Press? Does the electorate like the image our ‘leaders’ are putting forth to our friends and foes?
Although I have been recently informed that cancer is no more (!), I suggest the following ‘Steps’ be taken to rid us of the one still remaining in D.C.;
1. K. Harris must face the fate of S. Agnew and end the threat of her becoming POTUS. Congress has that power and I’m quite sure they would unite on this issue. Or, K. H. could resign with dignity intact…for the sake of the nation.
2. The resulting V.P. vacancy is filled by appointment, no special election. This same party person will then ascend to the Presidency upon the completion of no. 3 below. He/she might be able to lead his/her party to victory in a year or so?
3. Congress will again unite to impeach No. 1 this time, but again the resignation (Nixon) option exists before they evoke their power of forced removal.
Can/will ‘History repeat’? Can ‘The Party of Stupid’ wrap their heads around my ‘Modest Proposal’, get this in gear before something happens and we get ‘stuck’ with what will for sure be the very worst POTUS in the history of our great country?
Richard Phillips
New Iberia