School board approves painting bid
Published 5:45 pm Friday, November 3, 2023
The Iberia Parish School Board awarded a bid to a company for a massive painting project that will go toward several schools in the district.
At Wednesday’s meeting, the board approved Cuzan Services a $430,000 bid for the project. Maintenance Director Harry Lopez said that three companies showed up for the pre-bid but Cuzan was the sole bidder for the project.
The project will encompass the painting of several portions of schools. That includes all of Daspit Elementary, the St. Charles Elementary commons and cafetorium, the Westgate High School main hall and rear entrance, the New Iberia Senior High girls gymnasium and G Hall.
Others include the Pesson Elementary exterior, the Loreauville High School gymnasium interior and the cafeteria exterior of Delcambre High School.
“It is quite a large project,” Lopez said. “They have to have the capability of having multiple crews at several locations.”
In other business, the board approved a recommendation from the Business Department that the board select First Horizon Bank as the fiscal agent for the school district.
The recommendation came after requests for proposals were submitted to interested banks for the position. Four different agencies, Chase Bank, Hancock Whitney, First Horizon and Region’s Bank all submitted proposals that were reviewed by the department and First Horizon was chosen due to being “the most compliant with our request, along with offering the highest interest rates,” according to the recommendation.
The board unanimously voted for the selection.