Letter to the Editor: WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?
Published 11:01 pm Thursday, December 7, 2023
During the Passover Seder four questions are asked. I suggest adding these 4 more:
Who am I?…Male, pushing 80, Northerner living in the South, long hair/’stash.
Who are you?…Among other things, you are still a reader.
Who are we?… Semi-rural Lower Central Louisianans, fun loving, good food eating folks.
What has happened to the America we grew up in?
What caused this mess to start and continue to grow?
What can be done?
When will this all end and we get back to ‘normal’ whatever that means?
Where are we headed? Do we have any say-so in this matter?
And perhaps this fifth question:
Richard Phillips
New Iberia