Letter to the Editor: IMPEACH JOE BIDEN NOW
Published 11:55 am Friday, January 19, 2024
If the North American peoples residing in the United States of America truly, honestly and sincerely believe in the notions that ‘All men are created equal’ and ‘No-one is above the law’, then it follows that Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is ripe for impeachment proceedings to start immediately. Please let’s stay focused on Biden for the moment.
Since the above argument was, in effect, essentially the same used in the two most recent impeachments, it stands to reason that they now apply to Joe. By NOW I mean right now…before this election cycle ends…immediately!
If you ask me ‘what grounds are we to act on?, my reply is ‘I will tell you…. just keep reading.
Many non-lawyers (especially non-Constitutional lawyers such as myself), have applied Amendment 14 Section 3 to a certain candidate without the benefit of a trial due to a non-proven insurrection on January 6. Using the very same logic, J.B. is guilty of the ‘given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof’ …another part of 14-3 that earns you disqualification. Same Amendment, different reason.
In fact, Joe is guilty of both starting an ‘insurrection’ and ‘giving aid’ if you look at his record as President, a ‘double-whammy’!!!! His insurrection is his relentless ATTACKS on the very foundations of our government with the intent to destroy it in order to rebuild it his way. If that isn’t an insurrection, I don’t know what is? The ‘aid to enemies’ can be found in the deal he made with Iran and even worse, with the open border policy allowing the influx of bad players to infiltrate our once secure shores.
He has mounted assaults on those very principles that the brilliant Founding Fathers left to an infant nation. It only stands to reason that an attack on those Articles should be considered an insurrection against the Legitimate Government of the USA. His ignoring the defined separation of power by excessive overuse of Executive Orders and an FDR-ish threat to pack the court are just two Bidenisms that come to mind.
Added to the above, his questionable actions regarding aid to the most enemylike player in the world, Iran, who only today is attacking our brave soldiers stationed abroad. And the OPEN DOOR policy for who-knows-who to ILLEGALLY enter our country through unsecured borders…That’s AID folks!!!
Domestically, we love oil, gas, gas-powered cars, guns and do NOT love ‘Big Brother’ a whole lot. We do not appreciate being lied to by staffers who won’t answer hard questions and basically read pat answers…we don’t really appreciate ‘spin’. fake news and leaders taking weekly vacations from work. We are actually dying to know who exactly IS calling the shots.
And the use of 14-3…a Civil War kneejerk Amendment to punish the South is now about to bite you Joe because it really does apply to YOU too. Do those States think you can find someone Guilty without a fair trial as guaranteed in the Constitution? Sounds like someone’s getting desperate to me?
And of course Kammie H. is guilty too because she actually invited illegals in and won’t do her assigned job to stop them.
So, I suggest that We the People stage a joint IMPEACHMENT and REMOVAL clown show for the rest of the world to see and enjoy….especially our enemies….just as they are enjoying the fabric of America being shredded by the TWO insurrectionists/aiders; Joey and Kammie.
Your Honor,,,I rest my case.
Richard Phillips
New Iberia