Letter to the Editor: Thoughts on Rall’s “Credentialocracy”

Published 10:15 am Monday, February 5, 2024

I did not think that it was possible but for once I find myself in agreement with Ted Rall in his editorial on Saturday January 20th “Death to the Credentialocracy”

There is not much that I can add to this article. His analysis is pretty accurate as he describes the scam that most university/colleges have become.

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They are charging students or their parents a fortune to possibly obtain a degree that may or may not lead to up a good job. In addition, university get huge subventions from the federal government, and States, (our money). That does not stop them from begging their alumni for more money. Most professors work only a few hours each week but get great salaries.

But parents and kids are convinced that they need a college education, and most businesses endorse this idea. How many of them end up working low paying jobs in fast food and other similar situations?

Ted Rall is right when he states that what some Colleges teach have little value in the workplace. And often what they teach is propaganda fulfilling an agenda. They discourage critical thinking.

While this happens, Community Colleges train people in trades, welding, carpentry, plumbing, masonry … giving them an education that leads to good paying jobs. But those schools do not get the attention that they deserve.

Of course, to become a doctor, engineer, architect, airline pilot,… a college education is needed, and I will not deny that some kids are real college material, but for other it is a waste of time as they would gain more in going through apprenticeships with a chance to establish themselves. We cannot deny that many very successful people have a very limited or no college education. Education is a valuable thing, but without intelligence it doesn’t go far.

My father used to say “knowledge is like jelly. The less one has, the more one spreads it”.

Frédéric Dardant

New Iberia, LA