Coming Soon

Published 3:27 pm Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Coming Soon

The New Iberia Civic Center Marina has been in the works for years after the city acquired a grant from the U.S. Sport Fish Restoration Project through the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program and with assistance from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

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Located across the bayou from the boat launch at City Park, the new marina provides boaters an easy place to park for downtown events. It is one of several projects intended to increase boater access to New Iberia through the Bayou Teche.

Less than a mile away, on the Bayou Teche, is the Steamboat Warehouse Pavilion where the construction of a stage is underway. The 28’ x 48’ concrete structure will include restrooms below as well as storage space in the current empty area between the pavilion and Fulton Street. To accommodate the larger crowds that the stage is expected to draw, the current dance floor area of the Pavilion will be extended. The stage’s industrial look, complete with a metal roof, will marry well with the current architecture of the pavilion.

With festivals, weekly events and parades occurring throughout the year in New Iberia, a stage is a natural fit and much needed addition to downtown. It’s also expected to be used for other events like concerts, church gatherings and non-profit work, dance performances and film and movie screenings.

Completion is anticipated late this summer, weather permitting, just in time for the start of fall events.