Letter to the Editor: Basic Algebra

Published 10:36 am Friday, February 9, 2024

A = B, B = C, therefor A = C. I do not remember exactly when I was taught my first class in algebra…in the 5th or 6th grade at P.S. 3?, in 7th or 8th at LBJHS?, or at LBHS? Today, do kids get their first intro in pre-k followed by graded coursework in the 3rd grade? Are they still grading students anymore?

The way I see things today is like this; Biden is to America as Hamas is to Gaza…both are ‘leading’ their respective turf downhill. Bibi is to Israel as Churchill was to Great Britain…both trying defend their turf against the onslaught of a terrible attacking foe.

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The USA is to Israel as we were to South Viet Nam…we will help you out for just so long and will stop if you don’t start doing things OUR way; our way or the highway?

And Putin is to the Ukraine as Hitler was to Austria and others that followed.

And the USA is to Ukraine…was to Afghanistan…will be to Taiwan? Korea?

The only battle for survival for Joe Biden and his administration is for THEIR survival uppermost. Netanyahu’s battle for survival is for his own life and that of the people he governs….Joe wants to survive politically; Bibi was to survive literally.

What do our PROTESTERS and others like them worldwide not understand about the words “NEVER AGAIN!”? How can one support, in any manner, a brainwashed population that wants to eradicate people based solely upon their faith?

History buffs will gladly show you the boundary lines and ownership of physical land and countries that changed over the years…the ‘common denominator’ usually being a little thing called war.

Trump, among other potentially strong candidates, is probably secretly glad he is not the one at least partially to blame as Joe Biden is. Would things be that different had he won in 2020? Who can really tell?

But what we NOW know is a CHANGE in direction is MANDATORY if things are going to get better rather than worse.

When the status quo are failing in their job performance and seem only able to attack Trump and NOT the problems facing us…seem to only be able to attack Trump over and over and cannot tout their platform for the future…well, the answer is very clear.

Joe, ask yourself if your domestic approval rating is so poor, what do you think the rest of the world thinks of you and your administration?

The ‘Donald’ may not be the absolute best choice we have…but he appears to be the only real one…like it or not.

Since the political agenda pursued by Biden & Company is so ‘Un-American’ in so many ways, I do not see the American people wanting to continue down that road.

As we limp our way toward November, let’s just hope no more damage will befall America…and the rest of the world.

Richard Phillips

New Iberia