Letter to the Editor: 2024 – Passing by Swiftly

Published 9:59 am Tuesday, February 13, 2024

There was a time in recent history when the letters T and S would evoke the poet T.S. Elloit and that if you mentioned ‘Swift’ someone might think of Jonathan Swift. Perhaps your household cleaning arsenal includes a ‘Swift Mop’ or some ‘Swiffer Floor Cleaner’? Perhaps you are old enough to recall that if someone called YOU ‘swift’ it was a compliment and that acts that were ‘swift’ happened quickly?

Well a lot of things changed since New Year’s Eve 2023 and I expect a lot more are going to change still.

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But the ONE thing that appears to ‘neveh gonna change’ is the adoration, the idolization (and ultimately the canonization?) of the person known to the world as Taylor Swift.

Taylor has, of course, been named Time Magazine Person of the Year for her tremendous contributions toward World Peace, toward World Prosperity, the world-wide elimination of hunger, poverty and excess gas.

She is, of course, also credited as the ‘best thing that has happened since sliced bread.”

Her Songbook of hits has topped the Beatles Songbook by leaps and bounds and there is no end in sight.

She has gracefully shared her personal relationship of being the object of affection of a particular football player in such a TRANSPARENT (not the two words trans and parent) way that it eclipses the transparency of Biden Administration. Perhaps they too will ‘see the light’ and follow her lead, after all, there seems to be HUGH financial benefits if one goes ‘transparent.’

I, for one, am only but one of her million-zillion devoted fans who has had an otherwise normal, hum-drum unexciting every-day existence ENRICHED to such a great extent that I can barely hold it in anymore these days.

My days go by “Swiftly’ now, not just dragging along as usual. I can now ‘see the light at the end of the tunnel once so dark I thought I was in Gaza

My doggie, Missy, has experienced the same reaction to Ms Swift’s presence on Earth and I daresay so has ALL of the world’s non-human creatures. Add that to the Human-race and WOWZA, we are finally one with ALL just as it should be.

Moreover, in the future teachers and scholars and even laymen alike will preserve her legacy in writings that will continue to benefit mankind…perhaps forever?

The WORLD obviously agrees with my take on Ms Swift…why else would they use those same initials to conjure up the phrase “Tough S..T Dick Tracy!”?

Richard Phillips

New Iberia