Letter to the Editor: Opinions
Published 1:32 pm Thursday, February 22, 2024
OPINION; noun, A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: view. Also, a judgment based upon special knowledge and given by an expert.
An opinion is like a well known body part; everybody has one. Many folks feel that theirs is right and yours in not…only one is valid, mine.
After taking the important first step of forming an opinion, then revising it several times and then actually recording it somehow, you are ready to EXPRESS your very own opinion for others to ponder.
The next step is to SUBMIT your opinion either verbally to someone who might care (or not), but there are risks doing it this way. The danger can come from different forms of interaction including, but not limited to acts of a physical nature…acts of various levels of violence. Most of the time it results in a divorce of sorts between the parties, hard feelings and stuff like that.
Relationships come and go throughout one’s life as expected…change is inevitable(?); we change clothes, toss some away and donate others. I notice that our highly divided country has emotions flying all over the place.
Another outlet for one’s opinions is found on newspapers OPINION pages. Here you can share your thoughts with many others you know and do not know…even those you do not want to know.
STAND-UP for what you believe…send it in…put it out there.
Richard Phillips
New Iberia