LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Harris for President
Published 8:44 am Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Upon reading about Larry Elder’s ‘Pipedream’, I realized that I got this election all wrong. There is but ONE last hope for America and that is Kammie Harris. How did I not see this all along?
Why should America be forced to die a ‘Death of a Thousand Cuts’ when we can kick it up a few notches and stomp on the accelerator? Pedal to the metal I say! Let’s get it on already…WHY wait??
Sure, Larry Elder expresses what many would label as a ‘black perspective’, but when you are right, you’re right! There is but ONE alternative this upcoming November and the Vice President of Cackle has already declared “I am ready to serve!” What MORE do you need to know?
Looking back some years ago, I suggested some Federal programs that would codify the Woke Agenda Folks’ plans for America. They included these items:
1. The National Every Family Must Own A House Act, (TNEFMOAHA).
2. The Universal Everyone Got To Eat Plan, (TUEGTEP).
3. The American Make Everyone Rich Act, (TAMERA).
4. The Free New American Car Every Three Year Scheme, (TFNACETYS)
5. The Go Fly For Free On Us Ticket, (TGFFFOUT)
6. Free Artwork For Your Home/Lawsuit Limitation Statute, (FAFYH/LLS).
What I neglected to suggest was (7.) The TOTTALLY Free University/College Level Educational Tuition Forgiveness Act, (TTFU/CLETFA). It would work like this:
A. Student borrows enormous amounts of cash to pay for years of schooling. The interest rate of 130% is of little consequence because the NON-REPAYMENT of this crippling debt is sure to be.
B. Upon termination of studies, graduation or not, the debt is immediately forgiven and a “Paid In Full” receipt is mailed by second day airmail via the USPS.
C. The highly paid faculty and administration are NOT held accountable in any way, shape or form or manner for student non-performance. Neither is the Federal Government nor the taxpayers who are left holding the bag.
D. ‘Uncle Sam is deemed as the one who merely transferred the enormous cost to those already struggling American Taxpayers. They are now “benefactors” of sorts who used to comprise the vanishing ‘Middle Class of the USA. The other ‘classes’ above those people who were seen to be ‘not paying their fair share’ will now be subject to the 110% sur-tax penalty stipulation clause found in the revised tax codes.
This program is but only one of the New World Order Comprehensive Rule Book For Living (NWOCRBFL) rules adopted by the United Nations Security Council Committee For Wokeness adopted in New York City during Harris’ administration in 2025.
Should there NOT be a nuclear war that obliterated all of humanity, this vision that POTUS Harris co-authored will take effective immediately after peace in obtained in Gaza and all hostages are released…or the remains of same are returned.
Richard Phillips
New Iberia