Burke statue unveiled in downtown New Iberia

Published 12:53 pm Monday, April 8, 2024

The excitement was palpable in downtown New Iberia Saturday afternoon after a hidden statue was finally unveiled in Bouligny Plaza after years of work finally came to fruition.

The Books Along the Teche Literary Festival unveiled the statue as part of its long list of Saturday events, but the result will be felt for years to come in New Iberia.

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The sculpture of prominent writer James Lee Burke, depicting the world renowned writer with his signature cowboy hat, was shown to the audience of Burke lovers who attended the festival.

Burke has lived in New Iberia in the past and centers the plot of his famous Dave Robicheaux series of books in the city. The popularity of the books have since drawn hundreds to New Iberia to see the city that Burke loves to write about.

The initiative to place a statue honoring Burke was the brainchild of several committed local residents led by Paul Schexnayder.

After the considerable task of drawing up the funding for the project was secured, Schexnayder and the committee enlisted the help of Houston-based sculptor Shirley Scarpetta to create life-size depiction of the author.

Scarpetta was at the site of the unveiling Saturday, and even gave a presentation along with Schexnayder regarding the long and arduous process of completing the project.

“It was one of my biggest challenges but also one of the most amazing,” Scarpetta said at the Sliman Theater. “I’m very hard on myself but the way that Paul represented your city and Mr. James Lee Burke were so amazing, the whole journey was really beautiful.”

Even Burke himself, who was present via Zoom earlier that day for an hour long question and answer session, said he was incredibly humbled to have his likeness depicted in downtown New Iberia.

“I can’t tell you how humbled I am,” Burke said after being asked about the sculpture during the Q&A. “When I was told about it, I think it was the mayor that told me, I had to check the telephone to make sure there wasn’t something wrong with it. It’s an enormous honor.”

Before the statue was unveiled, Mayor Freddie DeCourt said the project was another in a long line of cultural achievements brought to downtown New Iberia as well as a worthy recognition of Burke’s career and achievements.

“This is just awesome,” DeCourt said. “We have another connection to our history, to our culture, to everything that makes New Iberia a special place to live and that we all love.”