LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Immigration problem solution
Published 8:44 am Tuesday, April 16, 2024
In order to solve a problem, you must first define the problem. Therefor, the MAJOR problems we are facing, along with some minor ones, are these:
1. Absorbing the massive numbers of criminals (those who break laws) and the associated costs to incarcerate them; Jails, jailors, penitentiaries, holding-cells and staff, police, cop-cars, judges…
2. Absorbing the massive numbers of poor, homeless criminal invaders and the costs of housing, medical needs, food and entertainment (you don’t want bored criminals do you?).
3. Absorbing the massive numbers of un-educated criminals and the costs to educate them in ENGLISH:
Schools, Teachers, Staff and crossing-guards.
4. Costs of creating the infrastructure for illegal criminals; Roads, Bridges, Highways, Toll-Booths, Staff, Water Plants, Sewerage Plants, Parks, Marinas, Jobs, Barbie-Dolls, etc.
Those problems are all solved with THESE simple SOLUTIONS;
1. ERECT one really big, big CONCENTRATION CAMP and round up ALL the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL “MIGRANT’S” and lock them in it. We have the experience to do this, sort of, from our actions during WWII.
2. Build a steep 1/2 mile high wall with one gate, put them behind it, lock gate, toss away key.
3. PAY them $1.25 per day (like in China) to make inexpensive stuff here in the USA.
4. Make sure they produce all the things we need to go TOTALLY GREEN by 2030 or before if possible..
5. Have them sign away any possibility to become future citizens or vote if they choose to stay,
6. Provide 1st class transportation back home if they don’t like America anymore.
I contend that this will:
1. Eliminate all future attempts to come to the USA illegally.
2. Restore the once pristine ‘sanctuary’ cities to ‘nice’ cities.
3. Let those who remain live the life they left, but only now much worse.
4. MAWA: MAKE AMERICA WHOLE AGAIN…Fix all the broken stuff.
My proposal is NOT so far fetched…it was tried in the past, wasn’t it?
Richard Phillips
New Iberia