LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It’s the election, stupid…let’s please keep it clean
Published 9:53 am Tuesday, April 30, 2024
The most disappointing aspect of the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle is the obvious fact that ALL sides are treating the American Electorate as if they (WE) are just plain gullible and very, very STUPID. Plain old STUPID.
Be it in the form of; Fake News, Outright Lies from the candidates’ mouths themselves, Insane analysis of the actual facts, Completely Insane Opinions by talking heads on television or radio sets, Slanted/Skewed to the Nth degree ‘Reportage’ of the ‘News’ or the Rantings and Hollerings of those endorsing Celebrities from Holy-Wood, WE THE PEOPLE are being treated as a bunch of STUPID potential voters who should swallow this DRIVAL as valid truths, unquestionably, and act accordingly at the polling booths or by mail.
Although I can point to many examples that can be found in the daily offerings we receive, there is one in particular that worries me the most: The Biden Administration Machine is gearing up to unleash a Billion(?) Dollar Campaign to further SCHMEAR Don Trump in every way, shape and form they think they can get away with in order to return the Joe Biden Crime Family Inc. and all his minions to the powerful positions they hold and continue the most destructive agenda aimed against the very FREEDOMS we still enjoy.
This attack is nothing like anything I’ve witnessed in my eight decades on this planet named Earth.
Well. let ME tell you Buster Democratic Party people; It Aint Not Gonna Happen! No Sir, No way!
It just aint gonna work this time because we aint so STUPID after all…fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
You seen we have Eyes, Ears, Noses and EMPTY bank accounts that inform us now and help us understand ‘What’s Happening Baby!’
Sure, we feel your pain (fearing the loss of your jobs and all), but can YOU feel our PAIN for a change? You see, we can See, Hear, Think, and Smell a rat and a load of B.S. when it is heading our way. We will not swallow that stuff anymore pal, we are sick and tired of it and will not TAKE it anymore!
Yes, James Carville got it right in 1999 with the ECONONY thing, now add the ELECTION thing. But now the GOP will throw those words right back, and many more to counter your personal attacks against Trump…Is THAT ALL you got MAN?
People, THIS is the most important election ever since it not only determines what happens in the next four years, it may determine what happens to AMERICA forever.
We have a very tough choice on our hands…one of choosing the LESSER of two EVILS (to some). We do NOT need globs of Bull-Malarkey heaped upon us or seeping out of every form of the media. We DO need to sit down, put on our thinking caps and be able to digest and decide Who, What, Where, When and Why we want to be and elect those to take us there.
We need to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff easily in order to feed our minds real true information in order to reach intelligent conclusions come November.
If we are instead mired knee deep in poo poo and are confused by it all, can we make informed decisions? You know the answer.
It doesn’t really matter what I think (well, YES it does), it matters what YOU think. I pretty much know where I stand, but many, many undecideds still have to weigh the evidence and make up their minds…then vote their convictions (by mail or in person) and determine the future of America for their offspring to enjoy.
Am I the only one left who thinks the Mud and Waste-products throwing Democrats are wasting their money pursuing a dirty campaign strategy? Attacking the MAN and not his ideas because they have little to brag about themselves? NO, I cannot be the lone-wolf here…there better be a lot more of out there. If it proves that I am wrong, then my Mommy was wrong when she taught me:
“IF you cannot say anything nice about someone, DO not say anything at all.”
Obviously I have listened to my Momma very carefully and followed her advice…kinda-sorta at times, at least?
And to you Democrats…well…Just DON’T do it!….Pretty please?
Richard Phillips
New Iberia