LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A leap of faith
Published 8:30 am Friday, August 2, 2024
I lived in New Orleans for more than 50 years of my adult life and never realized that Greg LaRose was such a Closed-Minded individual (Democrat). I watched WDSU and some other networks regularly, but did not fully realize that some attempted to ‘brainwash’ me with secretly inserted propaganda written by the likes of men such as Greg LaRose,
I made this conclusion just now after reading his OPINION piece; Latest LEAP scores…shouldn’t include religion” in TDI of 7/31/24. Heck, the title alone is a tip-off to Greg’s little mind.
In it, THE ROSEY all but totally blames REPUBLICANS for the mediocre results, the future ones to come and the BIBLE among other causes. And these HORRORS are being paid for with taxpayer dollars…very wasteful indeed.
WE must stop teaching those lessons associated with Christianity by GOLLY, them darned 10 COMMANDMENTS on display can serve NO REAL purpose educationally speaking!!! Say NO…scores will RISE again!!
LaROSEYGUY repeats the name REPUBLICANS when finding fault…they are soo darned BAD, BAD and BAD that he must get sick just thinking about them?
I also gleaned that the NUMBER ONE (and NUMBER 2)CRISES facing America is “Who gets to go to WHICH bathroom in public schools?” HIS logic(?) states that since nothing HAS happened, nothing WILL and we just gotta roll with the TRANS agenda.
So if a cute boy of 12 wants to follow a cute girl of 11 into the ‘GIRLS ROOM’, all he has to do is to ‘go TRANS’ right there and then?
You see?…the rejection of NATURE’S Gender Identification is all a REPUBLICAN thing…just go WOKE!!
And WHO cares about the ‘voice of the people’ and their Bible? NOTHING Educational-wise comes with the lessons of THAT book and those !0 Commandments either. They only promote CHRISTIANITY by looking at them in the classroom…um, weren’t they first a JEWISH thing?
I ‘see’ now that you and other practitioners of ‘news reporting’ might have a bias or two guiding their output?
This makes the reader’s job of finding ‘truth’ a fairly hard task.
Add that to Greg’s ability to forecast the future without even giving the proposed changes a chance and we got the DEMOCOMMIES agenda to live by.
Greg, IF the ‘Landry Agenda” has ‘rubbed’ you the wrong way…please think of the 11 year old girl also being ‘RUBBED THE WRONG WAY” inside what was once “THE LITTLE GIRL’S ROOM, second floor, Louisiana Junior High No.42. the school without the 10 commandments on any of its walls.”
The KAMMEROO has selected her running partner, if of course, SHE is first selected herself.
This announcement was made and heard worldwide only on old ZENETH TRANSOCEANIC radios with 5 or more shortwave bands and real ‘tubes’ that light up and get hot inside the set.
She said she gave this decision ‘a whole lotta thought’, you know, MUCH more than she thought was possible for her to do…but with Abortion and Immigration and ‘all that” and, you know the TRUMP thing going on. HA, HA, HA…GIGGLE-GIGGLE…I picked BIDEN…J I L L B I D E N…..you know?
Truth be told folks, one tube did not get hot at all and perhaps I did not hear her announcement too clearly…new tubes are almost impossible to find these days…
Richard Phillips
New Iberia