LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Take the credit but not the blame
Published 8:26 am Friday, August 9, 2024
Talk about a RATINGS DISASTER in the making, the upcoming DEMOCOMMIES CONVENTION (to FORMALLY choose their candidates) should set an all time record for extremely low viewership.
I mean WHY would ANYONE, with ANY worthwhile pending activity, choose to view a ‘contested event’, like selecting the POTUS, when all the drama and suspense has been eliminated already?
So, drained like watching glue dry seems to me to be a more-better alternative. Really, is being an ‘eye-wittness’ to an already decided ‘team choosing ceremony’ worth one’s precious time?
Is it that all the NEW and exciting topics that everyone will introduce not sound like an OLD HAT already?
Now the KAMSTEROO has a big problem to ‘solve’…how does she distance herself from the failures of the past 3 1/2+ years of failure and defeat that SHE was an ‘important’ part of and only toot her horn at what she thinks were/are the successes? How in the world can she satisfy the opposed radical extremes of her own party who NOW doth protest her every ‘other’ move? How can she escape her own foolish past and degrade anyone else (read TRUMP)?
And is her ‘pick’ just as WHACK-O as everyone else???
OH BOY AMERICA…we got to choose between “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”….
SPIN, Spin, SPIN!!!
I hope that ‘MOTHER EARTH’ can take all this…I’m having trouble along those lines. Whether this green orb ‘TURNS’ or ‘SPINS’, I’m getting overloaded here folks. In my youth, I thought I knew how D.C. worked and all…BOY! was I wrong….NO-ONE knows what or why or even IF things really happened at all. Gee, we were sooo naive!!! Or were we ‘just plain DUMB?
IF you are retired and comfortable, you might have time to read stuff. If you work and guard your free time like a solid gold bar…there is little time left to read. The ‘Thought Police’ know your problem and keep up the pressure. Then others like KARRRREEEEEN will tell you a bunch of crap and you just might fall for it sometimes…stuff happens…
BOTH are ‘gone-pecans’ today, we ain’t gonna work, ya heah? We are taught to WIN @ ANY PRICE!
NO matter what, we stand as a country divided and going ‘South” for all to see…
WE really don’t have to be…but if we do not CHANGE course pretty soon, we WILL….BE A 3rd Grade NATION once again.
I may not know EXACTLY why we are going “South”, but I get a feeling we should try a ‘switchtrack’ device to try not to go into the crocodile filled waters…and I think I know who might get us there and GREAT A’GIN…