OVERTIME OUTDOORS: Atchafalaya Basin’s future is the topic of CPRA webinar scheduled Oct. 1
Published 1:17 pm Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- coastal.la.gov
If there is ever a time to try to right the wrongs in the Atchafalaya Basin, it is now.
We as fishermen, both recreational and commercial, hunters, sightseers, photographers, etc., are seeing evidence of grave problems first-hand these past two years in the nation’s last great overflow swamp. That’s why the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries held a public forum July 23 in Baton Rouge.
Atchafalaya Basin users showed their concern with an impressive turnout of nearly 200 outdoorsmen in the LDWF building’s Joe Herring Room. They spoke up loud and clear about water quality, siltation, invasive plants and a decline in the gamefish population, which LDWF District 9 fisheries biologist proved with a series of slides and data showing a marked decrease in the bass population.
A second public forum is going to be held by the LDWF at a future date in Lafayette.
You have a chance Oct. 1 to learn even more about the Atchafalaya Basin and speak up again before that next LDWF meeting. The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority has scheduled a webinar between Noon-1 p.m. that Tuesday.
CPRA officials will introduce and provide information about the development of the Atchafalaya Master Plan.
The webinar will include the opportunity to ask questions about the plan.
CPRA wants to solicit input from a wide range of voices from the Atchafalaya Basin region – community members, landowners, business owners, subject matter experts, outdoorsmen and more. A CPRA spokesman said this single state authority is integrating coastal restoration and hurricane protection by marshaling the expertise of the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation and Development and other state agencies, such as LDWF, to speak with one clear voice for the future of Louisiana’s Gulf Coast.
One of the goals is to protect our bountiful natural resources for future generations. Specifically, CPRA wants to focus on the largest floodplain river swamp in North America, the Atchafalaya River System with its unique landscape that presents unique challenges requiring science-based solutions to manage the river’s sediment and water.
The Atchafalaya Master Plan is a multi-year process driven by science and extensive engagement from local interests, according to CPRA. The Plan includes understanding the current state of the overflow swamp and prioritizing management to maximize ecosystems and support continued human use.
CPRA’s webinar ought to be interesting and enlightening. It’s a chance to learn more about what’s going on between the levees, where we love to play and work.
The New Iberia Ducks Unlimited Chapter continues to prepare for its big fundraising event scheduled for Oct. 24.
Bucks for Ducks, the annual banquet, will be held at the Isle of Iberia RV Resort with doors opening at 6 p.m. Tickets are being sold online at ducksunlimited.myeventscenter.com.
The local banquet raised more than $65,000 last October under the direction of Jason P. Foster, chapter chairman for a 12th consecutive year.
For more information on the banquet call Foster at 356-04977.
Interested in also attending other DU chapter fundraising events in Acadiana? Find out more about them at www.ducks.org/events.
DON SHOOPMAN is outdoors editor of The Daily Iberian.