Faith leaders reach out to community
Published 2:30 am Friday, April 8, 2022
- Dozens of vendors were out at King Joseph Recreation Center for the It Takes A Village two-day event in Jeanerette.
Finding a solution to the surge in violent crime in Jeanerette has been on the mind of the Rev. B.K. Stevens.
The bishop of St. Moses Baptist Church in Sorell said that a lot of blame goes around for who is at fault for violence in the Teche Area, but at some point, there’s no one to blame but yourself.
“A lot of people say it’s the children’s fault, it’s the mayor’s fault, the police department, but I believe if we don’t come together then we all fall,” Stevens said.
That gave Stevens the idea to create an event that could bring all of the Jeanerette community, which culminated in last weekend’s “It Takes A Village: Together We Can” event at King Joseph Recreation Center.
Stevens said the event came together through coordination with local churches in Jeanerette as well as the help of Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. and the Jeanerette Anti-Violence Association. SMILE Community Action Agency CEO Craig Mathews sponsored the event.
“We got all the churches together, the mayor, and we started raising money and tried to target each area of the city to see what will inspire them to come out,” Steven said.
That coordination led to the creation of a weekend of activities that all ages could enjoy including a talent show, music, vendor booths, and a large children’s area complete with fun jumps and games. A car show was even held as part of the event to attract as many members of the community as possible.
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. said he was elated at the turnout of the event, and that Jeanerette had come together to make their voices heard.
“I’m so happy with the turnout,” Bourgeois said. “All of the components came together, we had several pastors there, it couldn’t have gone better.”
A prayer caravan was held the previous week as a lead-up to the two-day event, where the Rev. Wilfred Johnson and other faith leaders led participants to significant areas of town to pray for peace in the community.
Terri Thompson, CEO and event coordinator for the Jeanerette Community Development and Empowerment Outreach Program, said the inaugural event may see a return next year, and that the event was all about empowering the youth through love, prayer and faith.
“With God in the midst all things are possible,” Thompson said.