LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There have been no winners

Published 4:51 pm Friday, January 6, 2023

There hasn’t been a WINNER in our mid-term federal elections last year because EVERYBODY lost. Some portray Trump as a ‘sore loser’ and some think you are a ‘sore winner’, but that implies Biden ‘won’ something.

Nope, Biden lost half of Congress and one of your senators dropped her Democrat affiliation to boot. And now you state you’ll ignore all that and govern by decree?

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Try to recall those civics lessons about the three branches of government and how we have separation of powers with checks and balances. You are supposed to execute the laws written by the elected representatives of the people, not make them up instead. The Judicial acts as a hall monitor over both other branches. Did you skip the classes that explained all that? Joe, the world already has one Putin, we do not need another.

You stated in the past that FDR was a role model for your governing style, the same guy threatening to ‘pack the court’ at that time. I think you too have pondered that road if things didn’t go your way. Joe, even Liberal leaning justices think that one rates ‘terrible’. Has the hundreds of years of the ‘American Experiment’ got stuck in your throat so much that your gang, who obviously know better, need things to be drastically revamped to suit you/them?

We seem to be witnessing a Potomac River log jam that will clear up soon. When it does, you will still be on the losing side man, no better and no worse.

Before now, other ‘leaders’ thought that the ends justify the means and ruled so. The list included Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the Terrible, Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin. One surely would not want to be added to THAT list …

Richard Phillips

New Iberia