KIDS TALK ABOUT GOD: Do we have to always be content?

Published 12:28 pm Monday, April 17, 2023

When God tells us to be content, does that include being content with disgusting things?

“Yes, at least when your mom is around. It’s rude to tell your mom you don’t like something she cooked,” says Jessica, age 9.

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Complain about Mom’s cooking, and you may find yourself washing the dishes.

Now that we’re on the topic of food, let’s hear from Miriam, 11, on spinach: “Yes, I think spinach is disgusting. I still need to eat it to grow strong.”

Oysters Rockefeller or spinach quiche might give you a new perspective on the slimy green stuff.

Most Americans can only imagine a food shortage, but a little journey to a developing country will quickly change your perspective. While promoting Habitat for Humanity’s work, President Jimmy Carter said, “Most Americans don’t even know a poor person.”

I couldn’t agree more. How can we show the love of Christ unless we’re willing to step outside our comfort zone?

“Disgusting things are like if you have a baby brother or sister” says Holly, 9. “They sometimes do disgusting things. Another disgusting thing is when your dog drools.”

We expect drooling from baby sisters and brothers, but not a dog. We look to dogs for protection. But when they drool between barks, it’s a pathetic sight.

“God wants us to enjoy everything that we own, but if you have something disgusting, I mean really disgusting, you should probably throw it away fast,” says Angela, 8.

Not so fast, says Taylor, 7: “I have a dog, and it looks ugly. I still love my dog.”

Taylor, you probably would love your dog even if it drooled.

Yes, we should be content with everything we have, says Stefan, 11: “If we didn’t have bees, all the flowers would die, and people think bees are disgusting.”

Stefan, thanks for the great example. The eye of the be(e)holder often determines whether something is disgusting. Even people who are allergic to bee stings enjoy honey.

“Some things are disgusting in our eyes, but some things are disgusting in God’s eyes,” says Mallorie, 11. “So the things that are disgusting in God’s eyes, he doesn’t want us to be content with.”

“If it is disgusting in God’s eyes, then maybe you should get rid of it,” says Kristen, 11. Furthermore, “God wants us to be thankful for things that aren’t sinful, bad and against God,” adds Jason, 11.

Every Christian faces the challenge to put on God’s eyes of compassion. However, this doesn’t mean we should be content with the evil and injustice we encounter.

Jesus vigorously resisted evil, especially in the form of religious pomposity. Jesus showed his disgust with those who took something holy like the temple and converted it into a moneymaking operation. With a whip, he drove the money changers out of the temple area (Matthew 21:12).

Think about this: In the ultimate act of love, Jesus identified himself with our disgust. He was arrested, slapped around, spit upon, whipped and nailed to a cross. He purposely took on himself all the disgusting sins we’ve committed and paid for them by being tortured to death. He was not content to leave things as they were.

Memorize this truth: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Ask this question: Will you humble yourself before God to accept his payment for your sins?

(Kids Talk About God is designed for families to study the Bible together. Research shows that parents who study the Bible with their children give their character, faith and spiritual life a powerful boost.)