Published 1:35 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Sympathy; noun, A feeling of PITY or sorrow for the distress of another.

The ‘Clown Show’ that this election is turning into quite frankly disgusts me, and most likely, many, many American CITIZENS as well.

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My educational background includes courses in Marketing and we are now witnessing ‘spin doctors’ practicing what they were taught in such courses. No amount of glossing over and changing Official Transcripts (editing?, Clarifying what he MEANT to say?) can change the actual facts…”just the FACTS, ma’am.”

Deliberate attempts to appeal to ‘sympathy voters’ is but one of the tactics used by Biden’s handlers…”Sure he is old…bless his heart…but flubs and shuffling around is NOT important here. It is his great love of the people who are suffering and his agenda to help them that is important here folks!”


An elderly chap with radically dangerous programs that appeal to the ‘have-nots’ and that chip away at the very foundations of our strength is the reality that is being sold to us as we too stumble on the world’s stage (for all to see) into the vast unknown future.

And we must be sympathetic to all those who want what THEY want, when they want it and have no problem taking it from those who actually earned it.

“‘ To HELL with the Division of Powers (and the defined duties and responsibilities thereto) of the Federal Government…I WILL go around those obstacles and pander to MY base!”‘

”’Forget about the economic consequences and actual impact of MY New Green Deal…my environmentalist base must be satisfied at any and all costs!”’

”’People must be allowed to choose their gender…compete as such…go to the restroom of THEIR choice (identify with), and y’all better get used to it!

Should they ‘screw-up’ having sex, they must be allowed to fix it ANYWHERE they live…to heck with statehood preferences! To heck with the Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution!”’

There are many more issues that this sympathetic (or just pathetic?) deserving character has faced and failed to deliver good judgement decisions on…the illegal immigration fiasco…foreign policy that strengthens OUR world position…etc.

Also, the constant demonizing of the Capitalistic System which creates RICH people (oddly like the Bidens themselves) and rewards them in particular with more taxation and run-away inflationary spending. Whew!.

I know a chap that really needs sympathy too…ME.

Richard Phillips

New Iberia