Published 11:46 am Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Please consider the following similarities that were uncovered after a few years (about 3 1/2) of exhaustive research and ‘fact’ finding by learned scholars…they are mind-boggling to say the least!

If you merely exchange or re-arrange nine letters ‘Jesus Christ’ becomes ‘Jo-and Buy-dem’. a name that describes to a tee the politically motivated strategy to “spend one groups money in order to benefit another group who will be forever beholden to and will vote your way for generations to come”…The Democratic Way!

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Both Jesus and Jo-and did not actually pen their respective scriptures, but we have their words in written down form from others who actually penned them for us.

THE BOOK OF BUY-DEM contains some really super-duper words and verses to follow, especially if you are a ‘lock-step’ (always vote along strict party lines) Democrat who will gladly ‘leadeth us unto temptation no matter if the road leadeth us to ‘ruination’ (ruin-nation)!

These verses are to be repeated daily until they are passed by Congress in a ‘lock-step’ manner with or without any Republican input or participation…except for the RINOS

They are to be followed even if they lead to the very Gates of Hell or Depths of Hell (whichever) since Joe-and doesn’t seem to care or ‘give a Damn’ one way or the other.

The verses include:

B.1, C.1, V.1; TAKETH from those who earneth the moo-lah and GIVETH to those who wanteth among us. We are to FUNDETH the ‘underprivilaged and women(?) among those who vote both now and evermoreth.

B.1, C.1, V.2; Keepeth in your mind that the vote you buy today will generateth more for you tomorrow and someone ELSE is paying for it…not you!

B.1, C.1, V.3; Pandereth away to every ‘needy’ soul who will follow you like sheep becauseth they reap the spoils of your actions on their behalfests. This verse is to be followed at the time an important election nears and you need to have them think of your mercy toward their needs. Election day shall henceforth be named THE DAY OF ATTONEMENT!

B.2, C.1, V.1; ATTACKETH all those who oppose your devilish plans and lock ’em up and throw away the key! That the charges are-est unjust and false maketh little difference if your goal is pure…pure hatred and socialistic in nature…the redistribution of the wealth in order to buy votes. THAT surely cannot be seen to be ‘ELECTION INTERFERENCE’ caneth it be?

B.2, C.1, V.2; SEEK not TOO much ill-gotten gain for thee’s kinfolk and you, but if you do, COVER your tracks well and use the Justice Department to do that. Let-eth crimes go unpunished by letting the Statute of Limitations expire! Be considered too infirm to prosecute, but not too feeble to serve!! And keep-eth your foe in the courtroom and away from-eth the campaign trail. He will not-eth TOPPLE thee from his seat in the courtroom!

B.2, C.1, V.3; This verse deals with the heavy burden that Jesus bore as he was tasked with climbing a hill and which caused him to stumble while following the path. Joe-and stumbles (frequently) while on the path to his ‘Chopperino’ which takes him skyward to rule from above us. This verse is actually a Prophesy since the time sequence is reversed a bit…but it is still a verse too.

It has been my sincere pleasure to share and reveal to the non-believers ( Blind-Democrats) out there that need these truths found in THE BOOK of BUY-DEM. I feel that I am doing Buy-dems work here on Earth and will probably catch HELL for doing such now and/or in the future.


Richard Phillips

New Iberia