Published 1:19 pm Monday, August 12, 2024


Simply put, THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu should, or at least, be considered the 67th Book of the Bible and Sun Tzu should be recognizes as the 13th Disciple.

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This was ‘revealed’ to me, NOT in a dream but through my ‘keen observations of the events of today and in the past that have been ‘filtered’ by my brain during those many years of observation and schooling and just plain living.

These ‘messages’ have been ‘recorded’ in my brain’s data bank and differ from everyone else’s thereby making mine as unique as everyone else’s. Therefore, no two people fully share the same inputs and hence, they do not hold the same positions on everything….and that’s the truth, the plain simple real ‘truth’.

Now, what I realize is that most every Plan, Action, Maneuver, Result and Disastrous outcome of life was clearly foretold in Tzu’s treatises written over 2500 years ago (about 500 B.C.) and had a profound effect on the fate of the world ever since.

In a ‘nutshell’, Tzu not only instructed mankind how to plan his wars, he informed us on how to pursue and win them with little regard to the loss of human life.

Later, in the 1930’s, Henry Russell (“Red”) Sanders would offer; “Winning isn’t Everything; it’s the Only Thing.”

‘Funny’ and ‘Cute’ as that saying may be, it rings all too true when it comes to warfare…and is not Politics (Nominations, Elections, Inaugurations) a form of Warfare? Will all the parties involved do everything they can to WIN this thing and to HELL with how they do it? Forget any semblance of a ‘FAIRFIGHT’ or TRUTH, JUSTICE or the ‘AMERICAN WAY’…this is WAR after all.

AND the same rules apply to Business, Law and Sports…unless you get caught that is…


One only has to ‘tune in’ to any media source BELCHING out their highly biased, slanted, un-filtered, and at times, just plain asinine accounts of the daily events to witness the “BATTLE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE”, and the House and the Senate…with one ‘side’ really embracing Tzu with gusto…heck with decency, transparency, truthfulness…”Frankly Scarlet, we really don’t give a DAMN!”

The “IN” Party is merely following the path they are on from the ‘previous’ (still NOW?) administration since it once worked for them…but will it work this time? I sense the DESIRE for change again…another already ‘one-termer’ not helping the cause?

Since KAMMIES Army is following Tzu, these quotes should be quite interesting:

I. Plans: “All warfare is based on Deception”

II. Waging; “In war, then, let your great object be victory…”

III. Attack: “…the highest form of Generalship is to Baulk the enemy’s plans…”

IV. Tactics: “…the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible…”

V. Energy: “The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a Falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim”

VI. Points: “…in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak”

VII Maneuvering: “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night…” (and) ” A Commander in Chief may be robbed of his presence of mind”

Does all this sound all too familiar to YOU?

Richard Phillips

New Iberia