LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Destroying from within
Published 9:03 am Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Here IS a way the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ will be remembered (their LEGACY) in years to come: Joey, Kammie, Nancy, etc., OPENED the gates wide…those once secure and highly patrolled…those which the sitting President at the time addressed the problem head on…those that soon became totally out of control under Biden-Harris…the very same TOTALLY IGNORED by MZ “COME ON IN” KAMMEROOSTER, who by the way was TASKED with the job to STOP the DAMN INVASION then and only now has ‘COME UP WITH A PLAN. Well Golly-gee lady, IT is an election year and you have so little time left.
YES, it was TRUMP & COMPANY that was in the process of shutting those gates, but the BIDEN-HARRIS MAFIA needed more recruits and so did our domestic terrorist cells…OPEN BORDERS brings them all in to infiltrate our very souls.
I will gladly admit that ‘roughly’ 85.759% to 93.687% of the ‘refugees’ have damn good reasons to WANT to live here, illegally if they ‘must’…it’s that (again ‘roughly’) 4.241% to 6.313% will translate into 42,410 to 63,130 people per one million illegals,,,TIMES 8 to 10 (?) million folks! SUCH A DEAL ALREADY!!!
DO THE MATH yourself and you will see that roughly 1/2 million UNDESIREABLES have broached our shores… ALREADY! Of course MY figures are ‘rough’, there could be LESS or,,,(GASP)…even MORE????
And even cutting those figures in HALF should give YOU nightmares…or even much worse….
WHY would the ‘people in power’ want this influx of LAWBREAKERS ALL…yes, EVERY illegal ‘migrant’ is just that…they KNOW they are breaking our laws and don’t even care. Do they think they have the RIGHT to do so, or is ‘somebody’ telling them it’s O.K.? And are those ‘tellers’ only doing so for basically selfish reasons?
I say SELFISH…in order to keep in power and get their agendas through. You will hear all the ‘bleeding heart’ B.S. they state, but the real Mc Coy is SHELLFISHNESS and power.
They are ‘stacking the deck’ to keep things going down the road and true Americans really don’t like cheating to get your way.
By the time my comments see the light of day, the Democrats will have finished their ‘DOG AND PONY SHOW’ and the protesters will have had their day. The already ‘sickened over this damn election’ electorate will still be divided as ever and the SLANTED MEDIA will tell it their way, i.e., NOTHING much will have changed as we march toward election day.
There is always the hope that ‘cooler’ heads will prevail and the choice of our destiny will be the best one for EVERYONE. The people will cut through the crap and envision what America will become if we follow this SOCIALIST agenda being foisted upon us by ingenuine ‘leaders’.
Are we not witnessing a total remake of Kammie purely for the political purpose of WINNING the election? Who thinks this ‘transformation’ is even her idea…she will be the next PUPPET PRES if elected and everyone knows it. What can we do? TURN THIS BUNCH OUT before they mess this Democratic-Republic up so bad it cannot be fixed again.
We can still mitigate the DAMAGE that has been done, but we must stop these guys from hitting the ‘point of no return’….or else America will no longer be the ‘Land of the Free’.
With the great challenges the whole world is facing right now, America needs to be strong and letting our selfish rulers lead us toward a Socialist nation is NOT going to get us there.
Capitalism is NOT a 4 letter word…it paved the way toward our greatness and works quite well today, thank you. KAMMSTER want to ‘go after’ price gouging by taking over the free market way of life. CRADLE to the GRAVE B.S. like that will fail according to noted Economists…just read any ECON 101 textbook. This woman has no idea about what works and what is just plain a STUPID idea.
I guess her handlers are just as stupid or they skipped that class too.
I could go on and on and on…but enough is enough…you should get the big picture by now.
FYI, all of my own Grandparents came over LEGALLY and for good reasons. They took no handouts (there were none to take) and they earned their way up.
Although we can NEVER truly turn back the clock…WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to at least steer the SHIP OF STATE in the RIGHT direction…before we end up another Socialist shipwreck…
Richard Phillips
New Iberia