In a time of rapid change our commitment stands

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We are in the midst of unparalleled change in our society, something unimaginable just a few days ago, and it alters everything — how we shop, where we socialize, our schools, our health and our finances. Everything.

Every generation has its moments of crisis that define its people and history: The Depression, World War II, assassinations, Vietnam and Sept. 11. The coronavirus could be this generation’s moment.

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A common thread runs through each of these crises. People pulled together, priorities were re-evaluated, and everybody was pushed to grow and adapt.

These trying times demand an answer to the question: Will we exhibit the best or the worst of humankind?

To that point we must keep our own actions front and center and remember who we are:

People are good, respect one another, show compassion. Know what’s important and cling to it. Discard the things that don’t matter.

Be a good steward. The longest-lasting impact of this won’t be health-related, but rather economics. What can you do? When possible, buy local. Support the merchants in your community, and by doing so support your neighbor’s job and your city.

Remember that fear consumes and that irrational behavior yields chaos and poor choices. Now is the time for a balanced temperament.

We know how to act. Our parents taught us, our teachers taught us, our faith leaders taught us…to lead and to love.

What can we do for you? We can do what we do best — support local businesses with a strong advertising platform; demand facts, accuracy and context in our reporting; and be consistent, trustworthy and reliable for our community.

We will do our part to grind out these challenging times right alongside you. We’re in this together and we learn our most valuable lessons in the tough times. We not only record the history of our community, we’re part of it. Together we must ensure that the history of our local community reflects the best of who we are. We know it will!

From the team at The Daily Iberian.