Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: ADVANCED ALGEBRA 102

IF a = b, AND b = c, THEN a = c. IF the USA is invaded by ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Opinions

OPINION; noun, A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: view. ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Dr. John W. Ray

Without culture, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. Albert Camus Our values, views, hopes, fears, meaning ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: 2024 – Passing by Swiftly

There was a time in recent history when the letters T and S would evoke the poet T.S. ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Basic Algebra

A = B, B = C, therefor A = C. I do not remember exactly when I was ...

Letters To Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cost versus Value

The money we spend on things are COSTS. The benefits we derive from our purchases are measured as ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Thoughts on Rall’s “Credentialocracy”

I did not think that it was possible but for once I find myself in agreement with Ted ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: When will they ever learn?

In the 1960s America was virtually defined by two events: the war in Viet Nam and the assassination ...

Letters To Editor


Most, if not all of us, face a crisis in our lives, America is facing crises these days. ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Quick! Change course!

What every able-bodied seaman, yacht captain, naval commander, fisherman, sailor, barge operator, tow or tugboater, rower, submariner(?), kayaker, ...

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