Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Thank you for the ‘Gumbo’ support

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you from the 33rd World Championship Gumbo CookOff. On behalf of the Greater ...

Letters To Editor

LETTER: Vote in favor of our beloved City

Voting yes to better roads at NO additional cost is a NO brainer. Redistribution of EXISTING 6.8 mills ...

Letters To Editor

Will history repeat itself?

An open letter to all the stupid people who chose to bury their heads in the sand like ...

Letters To Editor

Letter to the Editor: Port of Iberia is a politician’s cash cow junkyard

Let me tell it straight. As a deeply-rooted member of the African American community, and a fiercely proud ...

Letters To Editor

Attend the League of Women’s Voters meeting

For more than 100 years, The League of Women Voters has served as a national, state, and local ...


Democrat carbon tax is anything but fair

Louisiana, like most of the country, is struggling under the weight of inflation. It makes zero sense to ...

Letters To Editor

LETTER: Not a fan of Elwood Watson column

It took me 4 readings of Elwood Watson’s Opinion piece in the May 20, 2023 Daily Iberian to: ...

Letters To Editor

Letter: What was Bud Light thinking?

Did Budweiser forget to teach Beer Drinkers 101 at their Bud the Chud University for new employees? Or ...

Letters To Editor

VIEWPOINT: Mr. President, Do the right thing

The Biden Administration has a big problem on its hands. It’s sending mixed signals on new Food and ...

Letters To Editor

LETTER: We have good people at the Iberia Parish courthouse

I recently had the pleasure to share an elevator with Parish President Chester Cedars, whom I found to ...

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