
Time to circle the dates for Bass Cats Open, Legends on the Lake, both at Fausse Pointe

Many competitive bass fishermen probably feel a lot like Louisiana Bass Cats president Max Stevens feels going into ...


Biologists, bass fishermen rejoice as hydrilla returns to Toledo Bend

Grass, specifically hydrilla, isn’t always greener on the other side but there is much more of it now ...


Clinton hunter downs a 10-point, 154-class buck in stormy weather

On a day of inclement weather that took a devastating toll on property and human life across Louisiana, ...


Mercury’s unveils its first all-electric outboard motor at tech show in Vegas

One of the most recognizable outboard motor brands across the globe has entered the world of electric outboard ...


CCA-Louisiana announces Sieber as new Hall of Famer

A Teche Area outdoorsman’s role in conserving, promoting and enhancing the present and future availability of coastal resources, ...


Martin’s first buck in Miss. Delta none other than famous Buck 140

Call it fate or whatever but Mississippi deer hunter Trevor Martin and his buddy put in for every ...


Carp, hogs and sharks, oh my! A-B-Cs chronicle past year, 2023

A is for ASIAN carp or feral hogs, which invasive species is despised more in the Sportsman’s Paradise? ...


Early Christmas for duck hunters as more ducks winter in Louisiana

If duck hunting gods have been smiling on waterfowl hunters since the West Zone’s second split began Dec. ...


Donta Claus makes his rounds off-road to pass out the gifts: Heaux! Heaux! Heaux!

Heaux! Heaux! Heaux! I couldn’t have said it better myself. My annual ride by pirogue overnight across the ...


Buck 140’s excellent adventures include crossing river four times

The life and times of Buck 140, a big, healthy deer outfitted with a GPS radio collar two ...

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