Latest Marriage Licenses The Daily Iberian



Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses


Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses


Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

The lucky 13 marriage licenses filed with the iberia Parish Clerk of the Court

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

There were 11 marriage licenses filed with Iberia Parish Clerk of Courts office

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses


Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

The 16 marriage licenses from the Iberia Parish Clerk fo the Courts office

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

Marriage licences issued to nine in Iberia Parish

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

The marriage licenses filed with the Iberia Parish Clerk of Courts office

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Marriage Licenses

The 14 couples who received Marriage licenses from the Iberia Parish Clerk of the Courts office

Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

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