
St. Martin de Tours to celebrate Mass in French Friday

ST. MARTINVILLE — St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church in St. Martinville will be celebrating a Holy Mass ...


Krewe of Iberians’ Queen’s organization hosts tea honoring debutantes

The Queen’s organization of the Mystic Krewe of Iberians, Las Reinas Pasadas, hosted a tea honoring the Krewe’s ...


BERRY TALES: Remembering the town of my youth

Most all the places from my childhood are gone. I realize this when I drive through the streets ...


Krewe of Andalusia celebrates 65th anniversary bal masque

The Krewe of Andalsuia celebrated its 65th anniversary bal masque on Jan. 29 with guests on hand for ...


Teche Area Honor Roll Students

ST. EDWARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Following are the honor roll students for St. Edward Elementary School for the second ...


Special program celebrates Black History Month at First Church of God in Christ

JEANERETTE — The First Church of God in Christ is celebrating National Black History Month with a series ...


ETC: Azalea Garden Club Beautification Award

The Azalea Garden Club awarded the Iberia Beautification Award for the month of February to Millside Market at ...


Teche Area HRoll Students

ANDERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL Following are the honor roll students for Anderson Middle School for the second grading period: ...


Krewe of Andalusia Queen’s Luncheon

Reginae Andalusia, the queen’s organization of the Krewe of Andalusia, hosted a luncheon honoring queen Lisa Norris, Queen ...


Royal Order of Eden goes back to the Roaring 20’s

Saturday evening, Jan. 29, 2022, the Hampton Inn of New Iberia ballroom was transported back in time to ...

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