Latest Awards Accomplishments The Daily Iberian

Awards Accomplishments

Azalea Garden Club Holiday Beautification Award

The Azalea Garden Club’s Holiday Beautification Award  for the Traditional scene was presented to Jason and Helen Bayard ...

Awards Accomplishments

Azalea Garden Club Holiday Beautification Award

The Azalea Garden Club’s Holiday Beautification Award  for the Children’s Choice was presented to Joshua, Megan, Avery, Cole ...

Awards Accomplishments

Toy Collection and Donation

Luke Soileau, a seventh-grade student at Catholic High School, recently spent his service hours for Beta Club and ...

Awards Accomplishments

Annual Christmas Tea

New Iberia Garden Club recently played host to its annual Christmas Tea on Dec. 12 at the First ...

Awards Accomplishments

Clerk of Court Food Drive for Social Service Center

The Iberia Clerk of Court’s office recently held a food drive to assist the poor and needy of ...

Awards Accomplishments

Faithful service rewarded and legacy established at annual Christmas party

The small but committed group of volunteers and board of directors of the Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center celebrated ...

Awards Accomplishments

Music & Art contest entries sought

The George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts has opened submission portals for both its Art and Song-writing competitions. ...

Awards Accomplishments

Azalea Garden Club presents Garden of the Month Award

Azalea Garden Club’s Iberia Beautification Award for July was presented recently to Rebecca Duplantis, who lives on Azalea ...

Awards Accomplishments

New Iberia native a big part of Super Bowl LIII

Proud moments are when a player in the most watched football game of the year is from a ...

Awards Accomplishments

Did Pierre see Shadeaux?

February 2, 2019 • New Iberia, Louisiana Photos By corey vaughn | The Daily Iberian Pierre C. Shadeaux ...

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