Teche Life

How do the pure in heart see God?

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). “This verse means people that ...

Teche Life

WHAT’S THE BUZZ?: Imaginary friends?

IT was recently brought to my attention that some, you know WHO you are(!), readers actually think that ...

Teche Life

IPAC Shelter Pet(s) of the Week – Banjo, Sweetie, Blackjack and Shawn

Iberia Parish Animal Control hopes that the right person will see Banjo’s plight and give the three-legged dog ...

Teche Life


Judgements of divorce are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia ...

Teche Life

How do the merciful obtain mercy?

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). “This verse means if you give mercy, ...

Teche Life

WHAT’S THE BUZZ: Fighting words

Nathaniel Stanley “Nat” Fleischer was my next door neighbor when I grew up and owned and published RING ...

Teche Life


Judgements of divorce are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia ...

Teche Life


Marriage applications are taken from The Public Record Digest, a bi-weekly publication of records from the Iberia Parish ...

Teche Life


Birth announcements are published as and when submitted to The Daily Iberian by Iberia Medical Center in New ...

Teche Life

WHAT’S THE BUZZ: Getting to know you

I think, now that I’ve been exposed to little BUZZ for some time now, I can safely say ...

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