Parish to vote on tax exemption status

Published 12:42 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Iberia Parish Council will vote to make a recommendation on the industrial tax exemption status for Bagwell Energy Services at Wednesday’s meeting.

The resolution will authorize the parish president to make a recommendation to the Louisiana Board of Commerce regarding Bagwell Energy Services’ industrial tax exemption contract for the amount of $970,091. The council will choose to either reduce the terms of the exemption, reduce the annual percentage of the exemption, to terminate the exemption or defer any decision or action for non-compliance for Project Year 2020 to the Louisiana Board of Commerce.

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The council could also recommend that the Louisiana Board of Commerce take no action for non-compliance.

Another resolution will address the same matter, but for an industrial tax exemption of $1.2 million.

In other business, the council will vote to authorize awarding a contract for property and liability insurance with various agencies as recommended by the administration at the meeting.

A resolution authorizing the renewal group health insurance benefits with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana, dental benefits with Guardian and life insurance benefits with Dearborn Life will be voted on at the meeting as well.

The meeting takes place 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Iberia Parish Courthouse.