Solutions sought for Coteau water issues

Published 3:30 am Sunday, January 1, 2023

Emergency repairs at Waterworks District No. 3 in Coteau has led to Iberia Parish President Larry Richard declaring a local emergency in the area for the district.

Richard made a declaration of local emergency earlier this week for the district, which was caused due to the severe cold weather with low temperatures impacting the water facility.

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The issues have caused reduced water production, multiple distribution line breaks and fluctuating low pressure levels throughout the water system which resulted in the loss of water service to the customers in the district.

Part of the declaration includes authorization for the district to use an independent contractor to immediately begin repairs and improvements to the district water system in order to restore water service to customers in the Coteau area.

Richard said Friday that getting a contractor to evaluate the extent of the problems in the district is the first priority, and although the extent of the issues won’t be fixed in the coming days, he hopes to see progress moving in the near future.

“Coteau residents are paying for water, and in my mind, they need to get what they are paying for,” Richard said. “We need to see the extent of the problem.”

Water issues began in Coteau when a line was damaged several weeks ago and freezing in the area during the cold front experienced in southwest Louisiana recently.

Residents in Coteau have experienced on and off water issues since. Richard said Coteau residents now have access to water, but more long-term repairs need to be addressed. Richard said the district has already begun the process to hire a contractor to begin addressing the issue.

The parish president stressed that a contractor who is well acquainted with water districts will be prioritized so that a full assessment can be made.