27th Cotillion-Beautillion selects royalty
By Vicky Branton
The Daily Iberian
FRANKLIN-JEANERETTE — The Franklin-Jeanerette Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. recently held its 27th Annual Cotillion/Beautillion at the Franklin Senior High School auditorium. The committee was comprised of Ericka Wilson-McDaniel, chairperson, and co-chairpersons Diann de’Clouet, Donna Francis, Phyllis Glover and Doris Hawkins-Metz.
“An Unforgettable Winter Night in Wonderland” was the theme used to formally showcase the presentation of participating Debutantes and Beaus. Debutante and Beau participation in an array of social, cultural, educational and service-related activities designed to promote bonding activities lead by Chapter President Taisha D. White.
The Debutantes and Beaus participated in activities to positively reinforce critical high self-esteem principles and ethical standards that will last a lifetime including strong morals and values, continuous education and achievement, leadership skill-building through volunteerism and community service, effective communication skills, refined social skills and camaraderie.
The presentation of all Debutantes and Beaus into society preceded the crowning of royalty for the event. Chad Triggs served as Master of Ceremonies.
Queen Kasyira Keon Burrell, a graduating senior at Franklin High School, is the daughter Tidnette and Calvin Burrell Jr. and resides in the St. Joseph Community of Franklin. She is a member of The St. Joseph Baptist Church, At Franklin High School, Burrell was nominated for Student of the Year, is an inducted member of the National Honor Society, and received the Smarties Award. After graduation, Burrell plans to attend the University of Louisiana at Monroe and major in Nursing. Her escort for the night was Tylon Holland.
The Queen’s royal court included First Runner Up, Tyonna Raymond, daughter of Dequindra Redding and Louis Raymond, escorted by Andrew Roberts Jr.; 2nd Runner Up, Jamie Taylor, daughter of Edward and Marisca Simon, escorted by Larry Lancelin Jr.; and 3rd Runner Up and Delta’s Sweetheart Myshala Bourgeois, daughter of Shelly Daniels and Michael Bourgeois, was escorted by TaQuan Ardoin.
King Oshay Nashun Phillips is the son of Demetra L. Smith and Shelby N. Phillips from Jeanerette. A graduating senior attending West St. Mary High School, he is a member of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church of Jeanerette. Awards include being part of the 2nd Team All District, The Defensive Player MVP, the 2017 Diamond Award for Baseball; the 2017 – 2018 MVP Basketball Player in the District; the Honorable Mention District Finalist and The Coaches Award for Basketball. Phillips is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America and Jobs for American Graduates (JAG). He plans to attend Grambling State University and major in Kinesiology with a minor in Social Work. He was escorted by Belle Alonzae Yellings.
His royal court included 1st Runner Up, Beau Anthony Delasbour Jr., son of Bonnie and Anthony Delasbour Sr., his Belle was Tajhia Tillman, and 2nd Runner-Up Beau Joshua Parker, son of Willie Provost Sr. and Valeria Parker, grandson of Ella Hamilton, his escort was Ty’Yana Joseph.
Hostesses for the evening were Korion DeLaune, Shalyse Davis. Jamari Francis and TyAsia Wilson. Esquires for the Cotillion-Beautillion were Demetry de’Clouet and Mallory Navy Jr.
The Franklin-Jeanerette Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for higher education through its commitment to the national Five Point Programmatic Thrust under educational development. In May 2018, the Chapter awarded more than $2,200 in scholarships and book stipends to three students from West St. Mary High School, two at Franklin High School, one at Patterson High School, and one at Morgan City High School.